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Spontane Freicoin Meeting with mark and jitmon

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Hi all,
here some meeting notes from an spontaneous meeting :) with Jorge and Maaku.
Meeting is still going on in IRC, i will update it here!
See you,
Meeting notes from maaku:
Blocks are slow
This is due to a multi-pool hopper, a presumably unintentional attack of the freicoin network. The difficulty adjustment algorithm is able to handle differentials in hashpower of 5-10x between the freicoin network and the attacker, however current differentials are up to 50-100x. Although there are improvements that can be made, such a differential is beyond the capability of any stable adjustment algorithm.
There are basically two possible paths forward: (1) merged mining, (2) change proof of work. These have various plusses and minuses.
* Task for Jorge and Mark: write up an objective evaluation of the pros and cons of merged mining vs changing the proof of work.
Here this topic can be discussed:


Freicoin foundation
* Task for Mark: do a manual match to 100% of all donations so far. Promised by close of business California time on Friday, April 15th.
* Task for all: declare preferred meeting times for a weekly meeting, 1hr in length on IRC, starting next week.
* Task for Jorge and Mark: write up objectives and general plan for the foundation website and associated code projects (e.g. the donation matching). Possible near-term improvement: trust lines for organizations below which a manual verification is not needed.
UPDATE Arcurus:
Truslines / Trust Levels
Example for truslines (I call them trust levels):
Freicoin Foundation Trust Level 10.000 Freicoins per Month
Bicks School project Trust Level 50.000 Freicoins per Month
Frederics Freimining project Trust Level 20.000 Freicoins per Month
If the sum of the donations in the last month for an organization are below the orgs Trust Level, then the payout is ¨instant¨.  if not the org needs an higher trust level or has to wait.
The next step is then to use coin voting for setting these limits. This would then also replace the need of the foundation to verify or unverify orgs / projects.
In the long run the plan is to replace the foundation / issuing fully p2p through some kind of yet to discuss / find coin voting that is mining censorship resistant.
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I loved this so much from our spontaneous IRC meeting yesterday:

I think Jitmon meant it as a joke, but the idea is genius!

Lets make an Freicoin video with this :) I pledge 1 BTC bounty, for the best video or twice worth in Freicoins. The video should be 2 min to max 5 min.


jtimon: suddenly we could start all our promotion post with "you though 21 Dec 2012 was going to align the planets, tesla would resurect to explain anti-gravity and more efficient way to take energy from the sun than photosynthesis and photovoltaic crap in germany below a tree, you thought that the boss of the illuminati would finally reveal itself and the secret of money and what the hell is safe to eat this days? No, this is just Freicoin's01:28:31

jtimon: launch, but it will change everything! Eventually..."


UPDATE Arcurus: Maybe we can add that on the end:

Are you sick of using centrally controlled money that is constantly inflated! Join the Freicoin movement now!

Are you sick of that the nature is destroyed to pay interest on interest. Join the Freicoin movement now and start using an freedom respecting money!

Are you sick that more and more people must live in poverty, because they have no access to money. Join the Freicoin Basic Income Experiment!

Are you sick, that humans, animals and the nature and even you yourself are enslaved to pay interest! Join the Freieconomy experiment!

Are you sick that wars are financed with inflating the money you use. Join the Freicoin movement now!

Are you sick to pay up to 25% (the exact statistics have to be looked up) to pay the interest for each product that you buy?

Join the Freicoin Experiment now!


Another world is possible! And we want it now!




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