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[Alliance] Register Freicoin Alliance as non profit

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Hi All,
after registering with the Freicoin Foundation the next step would be to register the Alliance as an non profit.
Here Bick and Molly posted already some information:

Legal formation? Think we need to move on this to become a CIO.  

Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)


UK (Non profit) / EC based is preferred since the Freicoin Foundation is already US based. 







1. Set up a charity

There are 6 steps to setting up a charity.

  1. Find trustees for your charity - you usually need at least 3.

  2. Make sure the charity has ‘charitable purposes for the public benefit’.

  3. Choose a name for your charity.

  4. Choose a structure for your charity.

  5. Create a ‘governing document’.

  6. Register as a charity if your annual income is over £5,000 or if you set up a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO).

There are different rules in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

To get tax relief your charity needs to be recognised by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).



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Well I've been looking into it and i'm still 100% how it would work as a charity in the normal sense of the word


As the Alliance was set to promote FRC via different channels - Including, but not limited to, Donations, micro-loans, Faucet, giveaways  and anything else we can think of to promote use and takeup - I dont  think we can be classed as a charity... I'm still not 100% sure thoug. if it was Fiat we were dealing with it may be more clear cut.  As we are not just helping those in need and are actually trying to promote a "product" i'm think we might fall more into  a non profit organisation - So it maybe that we should look more at that side?




Perhaps along the lines of Co-operatives or Workers’ Co-operatives or even a limited company ( we would just have operating profits in the sence of Fiat being held).



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Hmm, I dont know much about the corporate / non-profit / charity structures in different countries, so.. would it have much difference if the registration is done in UK vs US/Germany/Finland/Norway/other?

Molly is in UK, and said he will look into it.

Currently I don't know much the differences. But UK seems to be very Bitcoin and non profit Friendly, so why not UK.

But if there are further suggestions.

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