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Everything posted by Arcurus

  1. Here are my thoughts to Fabrizios questions: "Should there a relaunch with clean ledger, or rebranding using the existing Freicoin ledger?" Why? In worst case we have to destroy the foundation coins. We should more work towards a state where the Freicoin Foundation must not hold any coins anymore. Here is a list of projects how we could evolve to that: http://freicoin.freeforums.org/issuing-mechanisms-current-state-of-development-t801.html And here is a proposal to rebulcion (in short decentralized voting on how to issue demurraged Freicoins): http://freicoin.freeforums.org/republ
  2. Yea we need real use cases that are unique to Freicoin! For example the donation matching is unique to Freicoin, but still this needs some basic coding.... Other usescases could be something like the Freipay project. In the beginning we could also support proxy payments to Bitcoin addresses.
  3. As short feedback to the jobportal: I think a jobportal could be a nice thing to have. In the beginning we can also use the Forum itself for that. I think its generally good at this moment to focus on projects that are unique to Freicoin, but hey, if you always wanted to program such an job portal, why not Generally I think for discussion of such projects its good to post in an own topic and post in this topic a small summary of the core idea, sso that this topic stays more a summary. All the good and nice to have you Fabrizio
  4. Hi Fabrizio, first of all thank you for joining! Nice to have you here! Regarding to the Freicoin Foundation, I think there is a misunderstanding. Currently the Freicoinfoundation is not meant to support the core development of Freicoin in any way. Currently the task of the Freicoin Foundation is just to issue 80% of the coins, through alternative transparent, fair, issuing methods then mining. See for in the Foundation FAQ: http://freicoin.freeforums.org/freicoin-foundation-introduction-faq-t809.html Since the beginning of Freicoin Mark wanted to have the Foundation task and the Deve
  5. lol, I had more with development coding in mind, but why not little bid widen this topic
  6. Nice! And thx for all that you are doing, I have quite some ideas for stuff for the website, like an Freicoin FAQ. The FAQ on Freio.in is quite outdated.... Maybe we can also use some part of the Foundation FAQ: http://freicoin.freeforums.org/post7986.html#p7986 We could also more advertise the donation matching program on the website: http://foundation.freicoin.org/#/donations I think it would be generally good to make the donation part of Freicoin more visible.
  7. Hi Freicoiners, here is an crosspost from the Freicoin Forum: http://freicoin.freeforums.org/freicoin-alliance-t804-20.html#p8294 I think that this review is a great opportunity to learn how we are perceived from the outside and what we can do better, especially now when we are starting the Freicoin Alliance. This review is now a little bit old, but I think the most points are still the same. And yea, some parts are really funny, just to mention the Freicoin "mystical" marketing expert, so take it with fun and enjoy! We should really read this and learn out of this how we are perce
  8. Hi Freicoiners, recently it happened that my nice topic about the Freipay Gateway was "spammed" up with how we could encourage the development of the Freicoin infrastructure.(dont't take it personal, it happens as it happens ). So I thought, ok better to make an own topic for that, I think the Freicoin Alliance would be perfect to boost the development so I post this topic here.. Here we go, feel free to post all your ideas about "How we could encourage the development of the Freicoin infrastructure"! To get an idea what projects we want to boost, feel free to post your most wanted proj
  9. @fedde much thx for all that you have done for Freicoin!
  10. By the way: Cointopay the payment gateway you mentioned seems to be really nice New Geo vision: Cointopay land"Cointopay will launch a kickstarter to create "Cointopay land", a "holy ground" for people that are producing knowledge and innovation and don't want to be ruled by non-intellectual institutionalized technocrats, it is for people who have a worldview that is non-violent, self-existential, self-deterministic and based on libertarian principles. We will not hide it, we are a huge fan of Ron Paul from the United States." https://cointopay.com/B_Detail.jsp?ID=19 It would be rea
  11. Here is now a more detail project description: http://freicoin.freeforums.org/post8280.html#p8280 This proposal tries to be more close to the Economy for the Common Good Movement. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_for_the_Common_Good Look forward for your thoughts!
  12. Sounds nice. For the project payment integration would be a step after the manual Alpha is over.
  13. Nice Post! To What can we do? First of all we need some clear vision for Freicoin. How can Freicoin look in the Future? What we want to do with the demurrage. To have a coin with demurrage is not enough. We need to show what good things could be done with the demurrage. Here is one project called freipay, that wants to support donations / investments / payments in Freicoin (in this order) . http://freicoinalliance.com/topic/7-freicoin-alliance-will-support-payments-investments-donations-in-freicoin/ This could really boost Freicoin. We should concentrate our effort to bring such
  14. What Freicoin needs is not more miners what Freicoin needs is a clear vision. Just having a coin that demurrages away is not enogh. We need a vision that shows why Freicoin is useful.in the longer run. For that a project that uses the demurraged coins to make Freicoin payments 10% or 50% cheaper (at least in the initial phase) is a clear vision why someone should pay / invest / or donate through using Freicoin. The securing of the coin is another problem. How to solve that I described already in the Freicoin Forum*. But that problem is second, because if we have no good vision for Freicoin
  15. Here is the plan: In the beginning we need not code anything, we just can do everything by hand. We should keep it very simple in the beginning. If it functions well, then we can automate stuff. I will later on describe in detail how we could start very easily in an manual way. What we need to do? First most important we just must make sure we get the acceptance from the Freicoin Foundation./ the Freicoin Community, or more direct said Jitmon and Maaku. So what to do: As soon as I find some time (this week) I will setup a small freipay site with more details over the payment project,
  16. ,,, not necessarily as long as the Freicoin Alliance, or another project fulfills the mission statement of the Freicoin Foundation; From: https://foundation.freicoin.org/#/: "The Freicoin Foundation seeks to create a world where commonplace non-usurious complementary currencies inspired by the works of Silvio Gesell are brought into being through economic development, charitable action, and the support of global commons and which engender perpetual prosperity through sustainable development. The Freicoin Foundation will issue 80% of the total initial Freicoins through several issuance
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