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Everything posted by Skaro

  1. Well, that's good news.
  2. Skaro

    Won't confirm

    So @Jert, what's the verdict?
  3. Skaro


    I was referring to the Bitcoin price, like Elvis in 'Fun in Acapulco', diving off a cliff
  4. Yeah you mentioned that before, the merge mining and the explorer. I believe you, but I don't really understand it. The way I see it, the explorer reads and parses in info from the wallet block chain files. as long as the block is valid it should read? But it's true that ABE also surmises the current longest chain ...
  5. Skaro


    Do any of you guys remember those Elvis Presley movies? The one where he is a boat racer / cliff diver? He gets in this cliff diving competition against the 'antagonist' and, of course, there is a girl involved. Yeah, that's what the Bitcoin price chart looks like today...
  6. a) Can the Market wallet receive the 'basic income'? Where do you sign-up for the basic income? c) Can't you use our new explorer for Solidar? I should think all you have to do is: 1)clone it from GitHub then search and replace in DataStore.py and Abe.py "1/POWER(2,20)" with "4/POWER(2,20)" 2) other regular ABE things that change for different coins.
  7. Skaro


    Yup. So part of your job in coordinating this is identifying and contacting that member. @Arcurus, @fedde, @Bicknellski, and anyone else, who would be the best to contact that fulfill those criteria (Sunicoin's post ^)? @jtimon?
  8. Skaro


    We have to check if @fedde or someone else had already tried contacting them. I didn't. Otherwise, @sunicoin you can be in charge of coordinating this. The rest of us can help you get the information. I know the answer to a couple of those questions, but it will have to wait until this evening (EST). Would you like to do that? Any ideas you had on promotion, too, you may advance.
  9. Skaro


    @kieranf yup. You caught up quick. That's exactly where we are. 6 months ago it was worse. Since, we have an exchange, P2Pool merge mining software, and a good explorer (that accounts for demurrage), an Electrum wallet, an online wallet, and the price had gone up 10x. The wallet is a pain. We got the 0.9 compiled but are short on resources to modify and release it for a few reasons: 1) not sure what developers are doing (latest wallet is .14); 2) still busy with market, and other projects (I want to get a Foundation audit up); 3) it needs Linux 64-bit and relatively higher experience; 4)
  10. Skaro


    Yeah. Coin Market Cap calculates volume differently. Our volume curve is pretty amazing too. Yeah, Chinese exchanges changed their rules last January. It seems they used to have fees only on withdraws which resulted in large volumes being created by bots. Government regulations forced them to change their practices. Now they have a fees of a fraction of a percent per transaction. Some people argue that they thus 'lied' about their volume before and that the bots just created 'noise'. Some say the nature of the transactions changed. It seems to me, bots trade for profit bu
  11. Skaro


    Well, we could try promoting it.
  12. Skaro


    2016 was the year of negative interest rate bonds and bail-ins, instruments to discourage hoarding. Demurrage is literally an idea who's time has come. While it discourages speculation, it is very fiscally Right to encourage circulation. Freicoin is not as 'socialist' (for most people that term is effectively 'nice government') as people may think. http://community-currency.info/en/glossary/stamp-scrip/
  13. Skaro

    Won't confirm

    Could you explain that further. Did you have a wallet previously on your Windows system? Then you installed the 0.8.6, and imported the private key? Also, does the 0.8.6 sync? Basically, the 0.8.3 won't work anymore. There was a softfork with the wallet change. If you want to use FRC you need to use 0.8.6. I'm not sure if that transaction is recoverable. I think you sent it to an abandoned chain. I lost some FRC that way too. The point now is getting your 0.8.6 running right. If it syncs that's great. If it sees your transaction on the chain, it should be confirmed by now (I thi
  14. Skaro

    Won't confirm

    @Jert what version of the wallet are you using? Look under 'Help' and 'About Freicoin'. Also, what kind of system are you on, Windows 10 64bit, 32 bit, linux, Mac?
  15. Skaro


    Clearly people are hoarding Bitcoin. This is an advertisement itself for Freicoin. Imagine if you want to make a larger purchase within a month. The price of Bitcoin could literally tumble 100%. "Better use Freicoin for the transaction". Of course Freicoin needs to reach a certain level of usage for it to stabilize.
  16. Skaro


    As long as crypto-currencies are being used for speculation, Freicoin will be an unpopular choice. With overall usage increasing, it becomes a new phase for crypto-currencies with new ground to break. The 5 percent fee is not enourmous compared to exchange rate fees, travelers chèques and and credit cards. A model that encourages circulation could/will have its backers. With the value going up, there are literally double the people around the coin now. Also, Freicoin devs are literally on the leading edge of Bitcoin development. So the trust value is high.
  17. Skaro


    While everyone is talking about Bitcoin's price rise they are neglecting to mention its volume stall. With lack of supply, the price as going up. I'm not sure why the volume is so low, probably for the reasons Arc mentioned. It appears to be increasing slightly, ending the price climb.
  18. Skaro


    Well a half-assed update is better than none at all ... lol.
  19. Skaro


    The freicoinfoundation page has had some updates. http://foundation.freicoin.org/#/trade/candidate and I'm working on an analytics page to summarize Foundation spending and advanced explorer queries and stats. Coming mid July.
  20. Skaro


    This is for updating from wallet.
  21. Skaro


    @kieranf we have a work around here on the forum for the 64bit Windows issue. I too think that Ethereum will crash. While it's an amazing innovation, it is essentially being cloned by IBM and Microsoft. So it's Blockchain's Netscape or Lotus.
  22. How much RAM do you have? It took my around 2 days to download with 12G RAM. But your GPU is better than mine. When I try to mine, it crashes. So I have to figure that out. Ahhhh typical.
  23. @Bicknellski, what are you planning on mining with, Radeon GPU? PS finally I downloaded about 20G in ~\Ethereum\geth\chaindata.
  24. I am starting, very new to it! I am still downloading the chain. I didn't use the '--fast'. I didn't seem to work. So I just clicked on the .exe and I'm waiting, since Monday. I have a weakish AMD graphics card in this laptop, but I will try to mine. The plan is to get a new tower with gpu in next month.
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