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New release: Freicoin v0.9.6.1-5869

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Freicoin version is now available from:

This is a new minor version release, with the goal of backporting soft-fork activation rules for verification of the coinbase transaction's nLockTime field. There is also a modification of the wallet code to produce low-S signatures, and various bug fixes. Upgrading to this release is recommended.

Please report bugs using the issue tracker at github:


How to Upgrade

If you are running an older version, shut it down. Wait until it has completely shut down (which might take a few minutes for older versions), then run the installer (on Windows) or just copy over /Applications/Freicoin-Qt (on Mac) or freicoind/freicoin-qt (on Linux).

Notable changes

Soft-fork activation rules for coinbase nLockTime

This rule update requires the nTimeLock value of a coinbase transaction to be equal to the median of the past 11 block times. It uses an old-style supermajority rollout with BIP8/BIP9-like version bits and BIP8-like activation-on-timeout semantics. It's not strictly compatible with those BIPs though, as we didn't want to back port all the necessary state management code. But miners using BIP8/BIP9 compatible version bit software should work with this rollout by configuring their devices to signal bit #28 (the highest-order BIP8/BIP9 bit).

Wallet generates signatures with low-S value

The prior release included a modification to the wallet signing code to produce signatures with quadratic residue R values rather than low (< half the order) S values. Given the structure of the signing code, we can actually do both, and this release always generates quadratic R, low S signatures.

Remove version-upgrade warnings

The version upgrade warning implemented in the 0.9 series is unable to properly handle version bits signaling, and falsely identifies BIP8 / BIP9 blocks as being produced by a future version, thereby triggering upgrade warnings on up-to-date clients. This upgrade warning has been removed; future releases will include proper handling for version-bits blocks.

Reverse demurrage code

Example code, currently unused, is provided for doing "reverse" demurrage calculations, taking a present value amount and calculating what it would have been at an earlier epoch. This fast code uses only fixed-point integer math.

Build system upgrades

Due to deprecation of some build dependencies, the build system has been modified to bootstrap itself from alternative sources. changelog

  • `59cb913b` [Soft-fork] Require the nTimeLock value of a coinbase transaction to be equal to the median of the past 11 block times.
  • `e62b1f35` [OpenSSL] Generate signatures with low-S values.
  • `e37ec652` [Alert] Do not warn that an upgrade is required when unrecognized block versions have been observed.
  • `9f12779b` [Demurrage] Add inverse-demurrage calculations, permitting GetTimeAdjustedValue to be called with negative relative_depth values and yield reasonable results.
  • `04006641` [Vagrant] Switch to our own hosted macOS 10.7 SDK dependency, required for pre-0.11 releases.
  • `9f399309` [Vagrant] Update download URL for libpng-1.6.8.tar.gz, since the original server is no longer online.
  • `eec192d4` [Vagrant] Update from Ubuntu 16.04.4 to 16.04.5, since the .4 images are no longer hosted by Canonical.


Thanks to who contributed to this release, including:

  • Fredrik Bodin
  • Mark Friedenbach

As well as everyone that helped translating on Transifex.

Edited by Bicknellski
Minor paragraph edit.
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