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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/17/14 in all areas

  1. fedde

    Website Updates

    I will try to sum up changes here as we do them to the website. Any suggestions on missing things can be commented below - We made the FA Price Index(FPI)™! - Fixed view of stats - Added Joe's pool to hashrate chart - Added Twitter and Facebook signin
    1 point
  2. fedde

    Freicoin Faucet

    Hi all We released a Faucet today as all other coins has it, why don't we have one too. http://freicoinfaucet.com/ Donation Address : 16fkaCJ7vzsmLywtndbuuMHdGW5Sy6yaiL Cheers! Fedde
    1 point
  3. Prometheus

    Freicoin Faucet

    New design including the new kria coin in the logo. Wiii!
    1 point
  4. Arcurus

    Freicoin Faucet

    again great work!
    1 point
  5. Hi Freicoiners, here is an crosspost from the Freicoin Forum: http://freicoin.freeforums.org/freicoin-alliance-t804-20.html#p8294 I think that this review is a great opportunity to learn how we are perceived from the outside and what we can do better, especially now when we are starting the Freicoin Alliance. This review is now a little bit old, but I think the most points are still the same. And yea, some parts are really funny, just to mention the Freicoin "mystical" marketing expert, so take it with fun and enjoy! We should really read this and learn out of this how we are perce
    1 point
  6. 1 point
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