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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/06/15 in all areas

  1. Fabrizio

    Inspirational videos

    One more from Joe Rogan Be the hero of your own movie!
    1 point
  2. Fabrizio

    Suppressed technology

    Yup, healthy amount of skepticism is always good to have, since certainly there is a lot of elaborate hoaxes out there.. especially in youtube However, to me it sounds there is something to few of the tech... some of these inventors have apparently filed patents, but then just been "taken down" or sabotaged/harassed out of the scene by the big power companies or governments. Some patent filings has gotten rejected, since there were already similar patents out there from decades ago, held by these big corps (usually oil companies). Few of them inventors have also died in.. shady, to say the l
    1 point
  3. Some good points by Joe Rogan on how society traps people
    1 point
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