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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/16 in Posts

  1. The Freicoin Core, Freicoin Wallet and Freicoin Foundation web update, test and develop needs a lot of work and coordination. I think we should start support Freicoin development directly with donations. The most transparent would be if the main Freicoin developers register an project on the foundation web to receive donations. What do you think?
    1 point
  2. the goal was to have the foundation independent of the devs. in a way, the donation matching itself is independent (except verifying the projects and running the matcher) from the devs. so the devs dont decide to which project and how much funds go.
    1 point
  3. Yeah, definately need the wallets updated I'm not even meaning the Freicoin version number (the current 0.8.3-1 -> 0.9.. not to mention to 0.12 :P), but the building and stability testing of the currently available clients. Would be willing to put a bit from the small amount of coins that I still have available towards this I've tipped my toes a bit more in the world of Github too for the past weeks and will see if I can help maaku & jtimon with the building & testing. Pretty awesome that there is readily available step-by-step guides for setups&instructions for both Linux
    1 point
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