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Everything posted by Arcurus

  1. How many Freihours (1 Freihour = 10 dollar) would be ok for one working hour for you?
  2. Fedde suggested to focus on a real time blockexplorer like: blockexplorer.com
  3. Hi all, here is a list of Freicoin links that should be on freico.in and the Alliance site. Feel free to add. By the way, if you want to make changes to freico.in just make a pull request to: https://github.com/freicoin/freico.in just saw, that the old forum is linked here: http://freico.in/resources/ Also the block Explorers: https://coinplorer.com/FRC This one displays the coins right: http://explorer.sicanet.net/ And currently the only freicoin exchange: https://vircurex.com/ feddes pool should be also linked somewhere: http://frc.sicanet.net/ Thx for your h
  4. @kieranf is the problem with the pool fixed? And thank you lot for helping to reduce the difficulty. we are already down now to 18 Million from 32 Million thats great!
  5. I would also suggest to payout: 50K Freicoins for Kieranf and 50K for Fedde mining on Freicoin to bring the difficulty down. Currently they would get get more Freicoins if they would mine Bitcoins and exchange them to Freicoins, but this would not solve our difficulty problem. So I think its fair to give them something in return for their effort.
  6. As far as I understood maaku, the plan is to continue with the donation matching as long as the foundation has funds. So we have still lot of funds to test alternatives distribution methods The longer plan is then to make the coin issuing fully p2p. The first step here would be to allow voting on the verification of the listed orgs and Feicoin projects that apply for donation matching. I would recommend all that have some Freicoin related projects to register them at the foundation. If you have already an known org you can just go ahead with register
  7. Sounds great! The question is what is exactly to fix there. What we could also do is that people who work an Freicoin Projects can list how many hours they worked on what and how many Freihours they expect for their work. Once a Milestone is finished we could then pay out.
  8. sounds good, can you set a topic up? Doesnt have rik experience in that?
  9. great work, how much time you spent on it, so that we can compensate you? By the way, are the seeds nodes special nodes, or does it connect to freicoin core nodes?
  10. if the exchange is controlled by us gaming the freiexchange part should be not that easy So or so they have to register at the exchange so we know who is doing what. Later on we could develop a blockchain based transparent p2p exchange.
  11. Added: 200.000 Freicoins for Freicoin Development and Infrastructure
  12. Hello Freicoins, First of all, Molly has currently not the time to take care of the alliance funds. @Mollycat thank you a lot for all what you did and do for Freicoin I would be ready to take care of it if no one else steps in. My suggestion is not to hold the coins but to use the coins for Freicoin Projects / Giveaways. Here a Budget suggestion: 100.000 Freicoins for Bicks School / Universal Income project given out to students. They decide what they want to with it. 100.000 Freicoins for Freipay project Whoever buys or
  13. Currently after the initial issuing all 5% goes to the miners. The plan is to implement decentralized ways to vote on how to use some part of it. To test that we can use the foundation funds. With the initial foundation funds: ¨without the need to have too much human decision making.¨ exactly because of that the foundation switched to donation matching, so that the foundation does not have to decide on that. Everybody can vote with his donation for what the initial coins are used. With the credit union Sounds
  14. thats great! if you need another btc let me know. I will ask fedde if he can look into the pool problem.
  15. Is it functioning now? I see you have mined a lot of blocks on the pool. Thx a lot for that! If not we must inform fedde, so that he can fix it. Currently the main goal is to bring the difficulty down to normal levels before the attack. Next week we should get also some more Terra hashes to mine on Freicoin. The idea to rent some miners if needed sounds great. I think we could also use alliance funds for that. I m also willing to donate for it. Could you take care of this ¨renting¨ project?
  16. @kieranf thx for joing the mining effort! We have now more then 24 Terra Hashes on Fedds pool! http://frc.sicanet.net/index.php?page=statistics&action=pool Great work!
  17. great news! Thx to Fedde we have now 9 Terra Hashes more to bring down the difficulty. That should least to at least one block per hour And in around one week we have some more mining power behind Freicoin So Bick, now we can start with your school project!
  18. Im not a miner, so i dont know the exact stats. You can finde here more details: https://coinplorer.com/Charts/Difficulty/FRC currently we must bring the difficulty down from the attack, so as short term solution i would be greaty to spent for example 1 BTC in exchange for the mined coins until the difficulty is more stable. In the longer run it would be good to invest miners. I would be ready to give 1 btc per month for the next months (so in total 10BTC) (with foundation matching we could double that) The mined coins would go to freicoin projects.
  19. +1 Would love to see this organic mining project running. As said I would love it Fab would register it on the foundation to get extra support. For kickstarter I think first is good to outline what we want, then we can look further. Here is what I suggest: to add: of course the extra foundation coins should be used to give back to the freicoin community. This could be reduced prices, supporting other freicoin projects, buying more miners if we need more security for the freicoin blockchain, or simple giving out an universal income.
  20. 1. Get the initial issuance of 100 million Freicoin completed at required 10 minutes per block. can you please outline? 2. Set a mining benchmark so that transaction rates are 10 minutes per block. what you meant with that? 3. Keep Vircurex price stable and higher incrementally as our go to exchange at least until our own exchange is working properly then we move to it. yea we are already doing that now until this block time issue is solved
  21. I meet with fedde today at 15:00 (Berlin / Oslo) time here : https://appear.in/freicoin I think main topic is mining. Second topic Freicoin exchange and Freicoin Faucet.
  22. @Bicknellski thx for the summary. The first thing we have to solve is the slow block time. Freicoinalliance: Buy Miners / hashpower The easiest thing would be to buy some miners / or rent some hashing power. I would suggest, that the Alliance would buy some miners with the funds it has. I m ready to finance it and take care of the exchange to bitcoins. We just need someone to take care of the miners and the purchase (personally im too long out of the mining business, i guess the best would be to use bitfury miners, maybe be could
  23. To Bick: The only thing the foundation currently does is: - holding the key for the funds. - deciding which issuing mechanism to use / which not - Making the payout of the donation matching. - And verify orgs / projects that apply for donation matching Marc plan is to make the foundation more p2p. How could that look? First Instead of verification orgs, we had the idea using trust levels. In short if an org / project has received more donations in the last 30 days then their trust, then the payout has t
  24. here also an interesting development: Rootstock wants to use the proof of unique copies of the blockchain. Could be interesting to follow it up: https://youtu.be/F_0GxYU3SFc?t=805
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