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Everything posted by Arcurus

  1. Lol, Just signed up for it. Sadly I did not find out how to support in Bitcoin.
  2. Arcurus

    Viking Shop!

    Hi Fab. that sounds great! I will order soon. Maybe we can bring Freipay to run first and use this as an pilot project? More to that can be found here: http://freicoinalliance.com/topic/79-freicoin-alliance-micro-loan-program-whats-the-next-step/?p=555
  3. ok, so we proceed now with registration with the second long text?
  4. Hi Fab, I would be ready to invest 1 BTC worth of Freicoins. The miner can then run for the Basic income / word citizens project. I fully trust you with all the details. Maybe we can use this project also as an test-case for The ethical invest Freicoin project as described here: http://freicoinalliance.com/topic/79-freicoin-alliance-micro-loan-program-whats-the-next-step/ In this case I would give 25% matching to the basic income project.
  5. Here is another proposal for the long text based on an proposal from Fabrizio and Edited by Bick an me:
  6. Super, then we can proceed with the registration! I will ask molly if he want to make the registration.
  7. Yea I also think, its just because of making money... Or sometimes they also think to make something good for humanity- In this way the food industry started to bring some "good" food in bins to workers, so that they stay "healthy". They really believed, that they can produce better food then nature does since millions of years. Maybe we should call this forum more Reality Forum then conspiracy...
  8. Hi Bick, which diet you use? By the way, we are here just harvesting our own crown potatoes, carrots and so on, ok we didn't reach 100% autocracy yet, but it is a beginning.
  9. My mining time was long time ago when GPUs was common so better not to ask me
  10. Here an important discussion how we want to proceed with the micro loan project: Important questions are: Do we want to support these with donation matching? Does that fit the Mission Statement of the Freicoin Foundation? Do we want to extent it to ethical investments? Please answer in the linked topic below, not in this topic! http://freicoinalliance.com/topic/79-freicoin-alliance-micro-loan-program-whats-the-next-step/ This topic is devoted to Freicoin Alliance related news and announcements! Please respect that! All other stuff will be deleted!
  11. Hi all, here a news and announcement topic for the Alliance. Feel free to post links to important projects / alliance news here! All the good, Arcurus This topic is devoted to Freicoin Alliance related news and announcements! Please respect that! All other stuff will be deleted!
  12. By the way Fab isn't that topic better on the Project Forum? Should I move it?
  13. Yea, they are even registered at the Freicoin Web: http://foundation.freicoin.org/#/donations/detail/28 Seems that nobody informed them, that their donation was matched :/ Still all Freicoins there: https://coinplorer.com/FRC/Addresses/1JsYLwG8GkDuTh1BCRjAuzekvX3GggdfNR
  14. For Freicoin qt still maaku is the main developer. My Freicoin qt is still running fine. In the Freicoin Forum mostly Jo gave some support.
  15. Yea that's a good question, the Freicoin Community and the Freicoin Foundation should look into that. I think this project could be also something for an Freicoin Grant like we intended to make in the beginning (see Freicoin Forum) The original reason we didn't do that was, that we decided that the Freicoin Foundation itself should not decide with grant is eligible and if so with how many funds. So Donation Marching was started, so that the Freicoin Community itself can decide as much as possible. I see two possibilities. You can try to register your Farming / Mining project directly with the
  16. Thx Fedde for the great work. One question to the wallet. Does the provider have access to the wallet, or is it stored fully encrypted like BLockchain info does?
  17. Arcurus


    Ah you bought the 200.000 Freicoins yourself Unhappily I was to slow, wanted to test ask coin before I trust them with 200.000 FRC...
  18. If people want to use directly Freicoins, go on with that. But I see no use in Euro backed paper wallets... In a way the perception dollar is very easy to explain, much easier then crypto currencies, just give it in the hand. Beauty speaks for itself The Ubuntu ideology is also very easy to understand, just participate in creating something together. You must understand, that participation in an local community is an basic human need. Through society, the current culture, current school system , wearing cloths just to mention some people are just detrained to follow these natural instinct
  19. For example 1. create local community / find some local that share your vision 2. create your own local currency like Unity Credit, transition Credit or something. 3. Make sure to what society / world you want make a transition to 4. Get inspired by the perception dollar. The main point is to change the perception. 5. Use local projects / persons where you want bring the awareness to on your currency. 6. Give out 30 of these Transition Credits per month (so one per day. 7. Encourage people that they give some kind of Rabat if they give one of this notes during an purchase 8. Encourage
  20. Hi Fab, thought about something similar. Yea to use dollar was just an example maybe not the best, I will change it TO your proposal, 1, Keep it simple 2. Don't use paper wallets. no use for that. Create something like the perception dollar[1] and create a "community exchange" where they can exchange to Freicoin. 3. Use Freicoin for connection / transfers with other more distant communities. Doen't use it to interact with your community or neighbor communities you don't want that. 4. Instead build locally on just giving and personal trust, do not require any signing in small scale comm
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