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Everything posted by magius

  1. I firstly reply to my message to propose you a project to spread the Solidar We own a domain that actually is only forwarded on our FAZ page on Wordpress.com, www.faz.bz Imho it's a good name, easy to remember and so we propose you to use for that project. The original acronym means Financial Autonomous Zone, but we could rethink it (i.e. Free Autonomous Zone, Free Anarchy Zone hahah and soon...) Our idea is to create a Wordpress based multilingual site, with geographic based sub-sites to better define users' communities (i.e. deutschland.faz.bz, italia.faz.bz, or more local like ber
  2. Hi all, As I said in another post, we wish to strongly publicize Solidar in Italy. We started informing the members of FAZ network and the followers of @Domenico de Simone the economist which firstly theorized our system and co-founder with me of the FAZ network. In the middle of 2018 we hope to start a project in an italian local district, with the support of an enterprises' network that will accept it in payment and hopefully with the endorsement and support of Municipalites that will accept it in payment for local taxes. Our deal in these months is to enhance as much as possible
  3. We will try to experiment with Solidar on a "little" scale. We started to inform people of our italian network about it. The UBI subscriptions iin this week will be about 100 from Italy, that's a scale of about 60,000,000 people (please @Rik8119 may you verify from the Solidar Facebook page?). In the middle of 2018 we hope the scale will be littler, on an italian municipality and surrounds, about 600,000 people.
  4. We could use facebook marketplace. Prices are in fiat currencies but cause is possible to send messages (through Messenger) to goods and service owners, it's possible to pay in solidar them through a message!
  5. Do you prefer to finish to translate all the pages or I will upload before these first?
  6. I updated all the website's contents with the suggestions by Hendrick. See you. Marco
  7. My work on Solidar website is finished. I created a new logo, I updated the graphics, I updated all the contents, adapting ones from the Freicoin site and forum. Now the website is also ready to be multilingual, but before translating it in italian, I wish to be sure that all the contents are correct. Please review them and let me know.
  8. IMHO is better to act as association for bounties, in a similar way to the freicoin foundation. Is better you donate a percentuage of solidars to the WINC e.V. association to use them for bounties, instead of acting as individual.
  9. Imho is needed to develop the bot also for WeChat.,,,used by millions of chinese worldwide
  10. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace here's the marketplace ready to be used with messenger! actually messenger is used to contact goods' seller by buyer, but through the solidar bot is ready to make transactions!!!
  11. Here're the new logos for Solidar
  12. It's a private agreement, nothing is online about the project till it will be developped and approved by the people that nominated us. Our main deal is to create an "analogic" alternative financial system based on our theories. https://financialautonomouszone.wordpress.com/english/ Please read the proposal we wrote in english and suggest us if is possible to convert some "analogic" features into "digital"
  13. As I said you before, I'm the co-developper of an "analogic" alternative financial system called FAZ. We had the nomination from a local enterprises' pool of an italian South Italy city with about 160.00 inhabitants, to make a proposal for a local economic system based on a demurraged currency, basic income and free loans to enterprises. Our deal is to make a new Worgl experiment, the italian one! We have the guarantee that enterprises' pool will accept the currency and that the city major will accept the currency in payment for local taxes. We're going to work to a system based on negative ra
  14. I still need to understand in deep how Freicoin works, so perhaps some of my assumptions could be wrong As I understood the generation of coins in Freicoin happens in the same way that in Bitcoin, through merged mining in p2pools. IMHO Basic income has to be continuous and fixed. I red that is programmed to cut it in the future, to pay miners. Imho a not fixed basic income may have an effect on system credibility. Is there a relationship expressed by an algorythm between the amount of coins' generation, the amount of basic income, the demurrage rate and the number of networ
  15. Hi all, me is the one from Italy collaborating with Rik8119 to enhance the Solidar website It's from the start I know Freicoin and in the past I translated the documentation into italian, that unfortunately seems to be lost Me also I'm a developper of an economic system called FAZ (Financial Autonomous Zone) based on demurrage and basic income, but it's...analogic! I mean is not blockchain based, it's a financial system based on negative rate corporate bonds, issued as currency. Here's the documentation of our project in english: https://financialautonomouszone.wordpress.com/english
  16. Do you know the social crowdfunding platform Goteo? It seems a perfect example of how to propagate a "Common Good Based Economy" through encouraging cooperation, sharing of knowledge, dezentralisation and supporting a non harming fair economy. The code is free software, could be interesting to make a Freicoin enabled version www.goteo.org
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