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Posts posted by Skaro

  1. Freicoin was almost dead and has recently come back through grass roots efforts: Fedde built a new exchange, and a new explorer was built showing demurrage paid. There was a wallet update last August.

    These efforts are continuing. In the works are updating p2pool software, updating wallets, and Fedde's exchange will be expanding to include other crypto-currencies all trading relative to FRC. 


    The demurrage aspect of the currency means the coin is designed for spending and not speculating. Nevertheless, the present potential for value rise far exceeds the annual 5% demurrage fee. For this to be attractive, crypto-currencies need to find wider acceptance and circulation. Compared with 2008 and 2013, this appears to be happening now. Freicoin's developers are active and founding partners of Blockstream, and Freicoin is known for innovation (and not being a get rich quick scheme) since 2013.

  2. So the other currencies pay for the mining and Freicoin gets a free ride? Interesting.

    From the past we have learned that people felt the foundation was a scam. We should give a high priority to avoid that again. Conversely, the Foundation coins should be distributed transparently (a big problem is that they have nowhere good to go). Once the foundation coins have been spent (or somehow non existant), rerouting the demurrage would make sense. Also the demurrage would have to be distributed in a very transparent fair (presumably automated) way. So, sending the money to the Foundation or creating something similar again seems like a bad idea. Any divergence of funds should go to the people ASAP. 

    I am inclined to think that having the possibility to divert funds built in for the future is a great idea but the amount, when, and how should evolve and discussed/tweaked with time.

    But I put an unambiguous YES vote behind merge mining at this time.

    Could you clarify what code you are discussing modifying. Is it p2pool or client or something else?

  3. Well in the ideas written above, there seems to be a consensus (sort of) on 1000 FRC for signing up. I signed up.


    Now that the system is materializing here in the forum, maybe the ideas may change. I think it a good idea to support spending FRCs in places other than the exchange too, since now FRC looks profitable to miners. For sustainability, we need places to spend FRC. The 'market' section of the forum is a good place, that could perhaps be advertised directly on the exchange too.



  4. I have been trying to spread the word a little by posting comments in Facebook. I have also been writing websites to update their info on Freicoin. We should probably make publicity plan. 

    To have a place where people can spend Freicoin, I have some of my own charcol nudes (reasonably ok drawings) i would give for auction and Arc has a line on chocolates. 

    I was thinking it would be nice to try to write an article to get in a cryptocurrency magazine. Certainly, BlockStream's name should guarantee us some press. 

    I think we should be keeping the publicity effects moderate until we have wallets ready. For new users and returning users we should probably have some info ready for them here. For example, if the Electrum wallet is working, perhaps a big flashing link here and a support thread.


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