Fabrizio 162 Posted December 12, 2014 Share Posted December 12, 2014 Of course! It's just that it's a bit less problematic for me to make quick fixes while it's closed atm But as soon as I release the beta you can bet your ass it will be open source Ay! Sounds good ^^ That seems odd, does that happen every time you a scan a QR code, or just occasionally? It may be hard to debug because the wallet was never meant for SailfishOS, just android. Yup, happens every time. But, like mentioned, most probably caused by the Jollas android support itself Not a big problem, takes only a sec to go around it. After the beta or 1.0 version is out, I'll try to lure someone from the SailfishOS community to work on the native version ^^ Skirmant 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Bicknellski 276 Posted December 13, 2014 Share Posted December 13, 2014 Ready to send my pledged FRC... where does it go? Are we almost ready to release the bounty? Link to post Share on other sites
Arcurus 331 Posted December 14, 2014 Share Posted December 14, 2014 Hi Bick, currently we still are in the Alpha test of the wallet. Up to now the code is not open sourced. But it seems to function very well. For the bounty as outlined above I transferred 1 BTC (200.000 FRC) and 100.000 FRC to the Alliance to get matching for the bounty. So if you want you can already give your Bounty part in escrow: "If someone want to give his bounty already, he can transfer the BTC here: 1GCMVoQHW2ZkbTvQeJ5f2LHmQNHnyQX4oU Or Freicoins here: 1PUuX6PyB1Qv2U4UKqbtGed9tsuXPbnHQH " Link to post Share on other sites
Arcurus 331 Posted December 15, 2014 Share Posted December 15, 2014 Why not use Cointopay web wallet? We have a new feature now: P.S. IT ALSO WORKS ON YOUR PHONE, SO YOU CAN PERFORM THIS WHILE ON THE ROAD. Hi, I fully have overseen this. Thank you a lot for your Freicoin support! I think for small amounts like used in an Phones wallets a web wallet like yours is perfectly is fine For bigger sums it would be good to have something like Electrum or Blockchaininfo that does not store funds on an server. Thanks for all! Arcurus Skirmant 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Skirmant 42 Posted December 15, 2014 Share Posted December 15, 2014 For bigger sums it would be good to have something like Electrum or Blockchaininfo that does not store funds on an server. Actually, blockchain.info stores your private keys on a server, but they are encrypted from the client side with your password. The problem is that if your password is weak an attacker could attempt to bruteforce it and break the encryption which is has happened to quite a few people lately Link to post Share on other sites
Arcurus 331 Posted December 15, 2014 Share Posted December 15, 2014 Actually, blockchain.info stores your private keys on a server, but they are encrypted from the client side with your password. The problem is that if your password is weak an attacker could attempt to bruteforce it and break the encryption which is has happened to quite a few people lately Yea, better use Electrum like keywords and deterministic Wallets. By the way, is there an Electrum like address generator that you can copy that easy like bit-address? BY the way, Fed just said, that you can connect your own Wallet to cointo pay, but most likely normal guys will not have the necessary skills, but still very interesting what they do! Link to post Share on other sites
Skirmant 42 Posted December 15, 2014 Share Posted December 15, 2014 Yea, better use Electrum like keywords and deterministic Wallets. By the way, is there an Electrum like address generator that you can copy that easy like bit-address? Well, if you mean deterministic keywords Brainwallet's 'Poetry' method lets you convert/deconvert your private key, address or any kind of binary data into memorable poetic words. It's pretty handy when you need to store the coins in your head. As long as you don't get alzheimer's that is Arcurus 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Arcurus 331 Posted December 15, 2014 Share Posted December 15, 2014 Well, if you mean deterministic keywords Brainwallet's 'Poetry' method lets you convert/deconvert your private key, address or any kind of binary data into memorable poetic words. It's pretty handy when you need to store the coins in your head. As long as you don't get alzheimer's that is sounds nice "silently weep kingdom sound pity creator sound pity creator death truck drama" Link to post Share on other sites
Bicknellski 276 Posted December 16, 2014 Share Posted December 16, 2014 I'll do this this weekend. If someone want to give his bounty already, he can transfer the BTC here: 1GCMVoQHW2ZkbTvQeJ5f2LHmQNHnyQX4oU Or Freicoins here: 1PUuX6PyB1Qv2U4UKqbtGed9tsuXPbnHQH Link to post Share on other sites
Skirmant 42 Posted December 16, 2014 Share Posted December 16, 2014 The Freicoin Wallet's source code is now available on GitHub! https://github.com/Skirmant/freicoinj https://github.com/Skirmant/freicoin-wallet You can download the updated version here: https://bit.ly/134jytd (still in alpha stage) Fabrizio, fedde and Arcurus 3 Link to post Share on other sites
Arcurus 331 Posted December 17, 2014 Share Posted December 17, 2014 thx Skirmat! With the code now fully open sourced I will suggest to payout the 1 BTC already. The Freicoin Bounty can be payed out later after more testing and the donation matching is done (most-likely beginning of January) if it is ok for all? I also suggest that if Jo is finishing the Freicoin ElectrumClient to an useful state (lets say until beginning of January) it would be fair to share the Freicoin part of the Bounty with him, so that we at best have two Freicoin mobile wallets. As far as I know reported bugs / missing features are currently: - Fed and Fab could not read QR codes (that seems to be a clear bug) (UPDATE - Seems solved) - The loosing coins though demurrage is not displayed in the client like Freicoin-QT dos (would be nice to have, but not necessarily needed to make transactions) (UPDATE - Skirmant is working on it) - Is was also mentioned that the client does not share blocks / transactions with other clients and so maybe uses up bandwidth of Freicoin nodes. Has somebody researched that how other mobile clients handle that? For me it seems, that an mobile wallet not necessarily need to use its resources to share blocks, normal Freicoin nodes should be fine for that, but I didn't look into it. (as far as I see it no bug at all) Skirmant and Fabrizio 2 Link to post Share on other sites
Skirmant 42 Posted December 17, 2014 Share Posted December 17, 2014 Yep, early January sounds great since Jan 10th is my birthday - Fed and Fab could not read QR codes (that seems to be a clear bug) I fixed QR scanning a week ago for Fedde. I'm not sure about Fabrizio, his QR scanning works but has a weird UI issue. The problem is that he uses SailfishOS which is technically not an android OS and doesn't support all the official libraries, so I think it's currently beyond my limitations. But I'll keep an open eye for solutions.. - The loosing coins though demurrage is not displayed in the client like Freicoin-QT dos (would be nice to have, but not necessarily needed to make transactions) I'm currently working on this - Is was also mentioned that the client does not share blocks / transactions with other clients and so maybe uses up bandwidth of Freicoin nodes. Has somebody researched that how other mobile clients handle that? For me it seems, that an mobile wallet not necessarily need to use its resources to share blocks, normal Freicoin nodes should be fine for that, but I didn't look into it. (maybe no bug at all) There's no bug. All bitcoinj wallets are 'light' nodes, hosting a full blockchain is too resource intensive for phones. I think the claim that it somehow 'uses up' bandwidth is silly. Almost all popular altcoins use bitcoinj and I never heard anyone else complain about it. I also hardcoded an address to a dedicate freicoin node that I host on my VPS so it should help a bit If anyone has more questions or bug reports feel free to ask! Arcurus and Fabrizio 2 Link to post Share on other sites
fedde 311 Posted December 17, 2014 Author Share Posted December 17, 2014 I agree on you on the btc, do we put up another pot of 50.000 frc for the electrum if that comes to life? Skirmant, ill set up another node that can be used in a few days when i get home from Oslo and i can set up a dedicated for it. Fabrizio and Arcurus 2 Link to post Share on other sites
fedde 311 Posted December 17, 2014 Author Share Posted December 17, 2014 Qr scan works jfyi Link to post Share on other sites
Arcurus 331 Posted December 17, 2014 Share Posted December 17, 2014 I agree on you on the btc, do we put up another pot of 50.000 frc for the electrum if that comes to life? Skirmant, ill set up another node that can be used in a few days when i get home from Oslo and i can set up a dedicated for it. count me in! fedde 1 Link to post Share on other sites
fedde 311 Posted December 17, 2014 Author Share Posted December 17, 2014 Ok, updating the intial post, me and arc put up in total 100.000 frc for the electrum to finish. Fabrizio and Arcurus 2 Link to post Share on other sites
Arcurus 331 Posted December 18, 2014 Share Posted December 18, 2014 1 BTC Bounty is given out now to Skirmant. The Freicoin part of the Bounty will given out in beginning of January when the Freicoin Foundation matching and more testing was done. Currently Fedde, Bick and Arcurus gave in total 0.6 BTC. To make it simple 0.4 BTC was a pre payed for other Bounty givers: coin send: 23d26c328ff7452914e69b584809838c586ea78eae6bcc52e937b2c741c52b83 Skirmant, fedde and Fabrizio 3 Link to post Share on other sites
Fabrizio 162 Posted December 18, 2014 Share Posted December 18, 2014 The Freicoin Wallet's source code is now available on GitHub! https://github.com/Skirmant/freicoinj https://github.com/Skirmant/freicoin-wallet You can download the updated version here: https://bit.ly/134jytd (still in alpha stage) Awesome! This came faster as I expected, respek! *hugs* I fixed QR scanning a week ago for Fedde. I'm not sure about Fabrizio, his QR scanning works but has a weird UI issue. The problem is that he uses SailfishOS which is technically not an android OS and doesn't support all the official libraries, so I think it's currently beyond my limitations. But I'll keep an open eye for solutions.. Yup, looked into this quickly, this is a problem in the SailfishOS and apparently somewhat common problem with non-native applications. There are workarounds for this, so I will look into it more when I have a moment and let you know if its something that can be directly fixed in the apk (so that it doesnt break/eat resources in android) or if it needs separate file/version for Jolla fedde and Skirmant 2 Link to post Share on other sites
Bicknellski 276 Posted December 19, 2014 Share Posted December 19, 2014 Status: 0/unconfirmed, broadcast through 2 nodesDate: 19/12/2014 13:19To: FRC Wallet Bounty 1PUuX6PyB1Qv2U4UKqbtGed9tsuXPbnHQHDebit: -4260.70431216 FRCTransaction fee: -0.000000003413387857863919130139997269120327337527075331038629795566001107705637017397659604966975166462361812591552734375 FRCNet amount: -4260.704312163413387857863919130139997269120327337527075331038629795566001107705637017397659604966975166462361812591552734375 FRCReference Height: 92839Transaction ID: aef6e779817b46612f371107133632708a2e41d0010c5ef0b3040422fdb16c07 Sent some FRC to the bounty. BTC to follow this weekend. Link to post Share on other sites
fedde 311 Posted December 19, 2014 Author Share Posted December 19, 2014 Already taken care of bick, sendt btc from you too yesterday Arcurus 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Bicknellski 276 Posted December 19, 2014 Share Posted December 19, 2014 Crap thanks Fedde. Add that to the bounty then.., Will chat with you soon about it. Forgot we talked about it. fedde 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Arcurus 331 Posted December 19, 2014 Share Posted December 19, 2014 Is it possible to "link" the Wallet project directly in github to the original code, so that we can directly compare the changes? Yesterday Jitmon showed nicely how important it is to base the code on the original code: Just look at Freicoin and Faircoin code repository: https://github.com/freicoin/freicoin/graphs/contributors https://github.com/FairCoinTeam/fair-coin/graphs/contributors I think normal the best way to do it is just to make an fork of the original code and then make changes to that. Otherwise later it would be hard to update if the original is changed. Also its lot more secure, because its easier to find out what changes are in. Fabrizio and Skirmant 2 Link to post Share on other sites
Skirmant 42 Posted December 20, 2014 Share Posted December 20, 2014 The balance now changes after every new block to account for demurrage: https://bit.ly/134jytd Yup, looked into this quickly, this is a problem in the SailfishOS and apparently somewhat common problem with non-native applications. There are workarounds for this, so I will look into it more when I have a moment and let you know if its something that can be directly fixed in the apk (so that it doesnt break/eat resources in android) or if it needs separate file/version for Jolla Great. Maybe there's some compatibility patch that I could put on top the wallet, tell me if you find anything Is it possible to "link" the Wallet project directly in github to the original code, so that we can directly compare the changes? Yesterday Jitmon showed nicely how important it is to base the code on the original code: Just look at Freicoin and Faircoin code repository: https://github.com/freicoin/freicoin/graphs/contributors https://github.com/FairCoinTeam/fair-coin/graphs/contributors I think normal the best way to do it is just to make an fork of the original code and then make changes to that. Otherwise later it would be hard to update if the original is changed. Also its lot more secure, because its easier to find out what changes are in. Linking the repository as a fork so you could review the changes should be easy, but rewriting and commenting every change would be a bit tedious. I'll be a busy in the coming days because of holidays and family gatherings so it might take a while, but I'll get it done! Arcurus and Fabrizio 2 Link to post Share on other sites
Arcurus 331 Posted December 29, 2014 Share Posted December 29, 2014 We really need an alternative to Freicoin-qt. Its for normal people out there not really usable. Best would be some thing like Electrum, or an web based wallet, that looks like eletrum and does not store your keys. Link to post Share on other sites
Fabrizio 162 Posted January 3, 2015 Share Posted January 3, 2015 I think it'd be better to create a new topic for the desktop wallet bounty? Anyways, I'll pledge 3 FreiHours for the bounty of Freicoin version of Armory / Electrum Link to post Share on other sites
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