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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/17 in all areas

  1. Perhaps we at Freicoin should turn the trend of alt coins asking for ICO and be the first to provide it to new alt coins who are committed to common good and socio economical change. It could be a great way of promoting Freicoin with a big feelgood wave after a long Freicoin hibernation time
    1 point
  2. Victor

    Solidar bot

    @Rik8119 No concrete idea yet. Most people I talk to have a hard time digesting all the different comcepts. Cryptocurrency, universal dividend and demurrage are not part of everyday life! I thought people would be excited about the idea of 'free money', but most people are just schepitical =/. Maybe because they don't really know what to do with SDR. In my opinion we should do some field work to bring the currency to life. I'm not sure of what yet. There are some vage options in the back of my head: Try to sell something online with solidar. Or set a market place where Solidar
    1 point
  3. Rik8119

    Solidar bot

    At the moment there are only ~30 registered users for the bot, anybody has an idea how new users can be attracted effectively? Sending a tweet about the bot here and then is definitely not getting the job done!
    1 point
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