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Posts posted by fedde

  1. Yes, i tried to play with ABE but had problems importing the blockchain. I had it running a while back, but they made some changes to code and when i tried to set it up again it failed for import.

    then we have insight that blockexplorer.com 

    But it is in nodejs / AngularJS that i have no clue about.

    I'll be happy do provide development/deploymentserver for this under a easy to remember domain.


  2. Haaha, nice

    Well, i think the best place is to move all the freicoin trades over to askcoin as this is the only exchange that actually got demurrage on the orderbook plus i have spoke quite a bit with the owner when he set it up. And the fee for deposits and withdraw are probarly better than bter.

  3. Git repo is located here : 


    I will work on creating a new module based on BitcoinData. 

    The current plugin uses heavily on the blockchain.info website to gather data about the coin, this i need to rewrite to act against freicoind. Hopefully i will get alot of that done today., 

    Of course anytbody who wants to help, please do. The BitcoinCentral folder and mtgox monitor folder retrives market price data from exchange, this we need to write our own that uses in example bter and askcoin to retrive the data. At least there is alot of code that can be reused to create plugins for each exchanges.

    As we use github its easy to fork and make pull request on changes.

    If anybody need developer access to development server please let me know, i can set up enviroment to play in.

  4. Some steps are needed to be taken. The coin is basicly useless if this continue as long as the price of the coin is as low as is it it will not attract more moners and we lack hash power to get some normal transactions on the network.

    WHat are the options? Merged mining ? New difficulty filter? 

    Shoot ideeas here please :)

  5. On Tuesday, January 19, 2016 at 0:29 PM, Arcurus said:

    the email notices dosnt seem to function anymore :/


    UPDATE: seems to function again, got a lot of mails :) could be also my internet connection...

    by the way, does members per default get email notices? would be great to have

    You can turn it on off on your settings page or in the post itself when you write a reply. At least I have a button hhere that says turn on notification of new replys 

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