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Posts posted by fedde

  1. Hi All!


    After a long summer i am back to work with the Freicoin again. It's been hectic but at least now i have some spare time to do some work again. It's limited but the free moments i have will be to improve things around here.


    Currently mining pool has been set up again inhouse to make sure there is no interuptions. Badly the backup did not want to play nicely with the latest MPOS software so i had to reset to a clean pool. If you want to do mining again you have to register again. We only have 5 confirms on each block and gives a 5 FRC bonus on each found block.


    This server has also been upgraded to newer hardware as we had some replacements on the house. Things are refurbished and put online with freicoin related services.


    Electrum server has been restored also. You can access this on electrum.freicoinalliance.com

    You can get the latest Electrum wallet for Freicoin at https://github.com/FreicoinAlliance/electrum-frc/releases


    I will continue to fix small things as they come up and keep these services running. 


    Of course nothing is free :) I would be happy for any donation made to keep my spirits up for running :D I'll do it anyway as i support freicoin fully with what i can offer and what services i can deploy to help the coin.


    Bitcoin donation address :1HpqQsT1f4A1Ggz8kszuoB2zXMJ9myaMZU

    Freicoin donation address:  12jpoDhcRe2iSwbN6A75aUqiA5LgKybsKR


    So lets' make the 2016 a freicoin year! 


    Peace out



    Fedde :)

  2. Have a good summer everybody! 


    I'll be a bit on and off as i have been the last month or two, but will continue keep the services at best effort :)


    I will always be available on mail for thos who has my address, PM me if not and i will send it to you.


    Let's see what the rest of the year brings for Freicoin, hopefully a lucky one :D


    Cheers! Grab a beer and a glowstick! 




  3. Anyone have experience with on grid system with battery.


    Problem with these is that battery is usually a backup. What if it could be runned until battery is empty, then the grid power kicks in and suppment the nightly. This would be great as in a few years the power companies start to install smart power meters. This means the power company can charge you more in certian time periods (they claim it will be cheaper but they would not install it if they would not benefit from it). So let's say from 15.00 - 18.00 they wind up the price as everybody is cooking, it would be good to use battery power then.


    Will be a few cycluses on the batteries, as here it would empty daily, so 365 charge/discharge a year. 


    But things can be altered alot. In combination with solar panels, i could use water heating from the sun with some larger storage tanks + supplement of heating source to get power even lower.



  4. Hi All


    As we rely on coinplorer today as the main block explorer for freicoin, it might be time to see if someone can port a open source one for Freicoin that we can run on our own servers. 


    The day coinplorer removes us (if it happens) we have nothing.


    I think i saw a while back that somebody had a ABE working. If they have, please publish so we can get one up and running again. 

  5. There will be a IP change on servers the next few days so it can be abit bumpy. 


    new address will be newstratum.sicanet.net, hopfully you can reach the stratum there while the rest of the dns entries updates. 


    Sorry for the stop in mining..

  6. 398083_290070134449824_1996930966_n.jpg


    Ever since photo’s of Mars were taken from the Viking orbiter in 1976, the answer to the question of if there was life on Mars seems to be yes. Photos depicting an enormous face staring up from the surface proved to be eerie.


    The pictures also include a sphinx and a 5-sided pyramid. When Zecharia Sitchin released findings of tablets in what used to be Sumeria, Sitchin describes the writings telling of the Anunnaki, a superior alien race that came down and taught the Sumerians new technology.  


    Many speculate that the formations on Mars surface were built by the Anunnaki which also opened up the idea that the great pyramids were built by aliens using humans as slave workers.

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