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Everything posted by Arcurus

  1. Hi Prometheus, as said if you want just start here, I would be happy to donate for educating videos. I think also Bick would be very interested with his school. If things grow bigger you could create an separate site. Encouraging sharing knowledge should be one of the main projects of the Alliance. All the good, Arcurus
  2. Nice Video, that is also very connected to the idea of Freicoin: http://freicoinalliance.com/topic/109-freicoin-curry-of-100-of-the-people/?p=687
  3. Hi All, here is an link to a video that tries to awake people about the current finance system: One of the main points this video outlines is that with the growth of our productivity we could all (with all I mean really all) live a joyful live on this planet. In the following some thoughts from me to that. I thinks its also very relevant to the motives behind Freicoin and therefore we should reflect about that: Marc started Freicoin as the currency of the 99% people. For me to make a currency for 99% of the people is not enough. I want to make a currency / economic system for 100% o
  4. doesn't look that bad... Maybe we can link Bicks Exchanges Summary from the Freicoin Allianze Info / Site.
  5. A New conspiracy is arising was the mysterious 9th guy from Freicoin Mafia With the magical transformation of the Freicoin Mafia Twitter to Freicoin Alliance Twitter there seems to be some indications... Or was is it the other way round and Freicoin Alliance took over the Freicoin Mafia? On the end only god knows https://twitter.com/fed_fab/status/540261052873965568
  6. great, thank you fed and thank you for taking care of facebook!
  7. funny, just thought about making an unit called freihour that equals one average working hour. To make it simple we can set it as currently 10 Euro and calculate the inflation on it as time comes. The freihour could be used if we make an basic income or borrow some stuff, or for accounting. Yea in former time people had true knowledge. 7 Visibilbe planets 7 main body centers + some invisible like the invisible planets for the simple eye. Each body center connected to a different layer of experiences. «As above so below». If we humans would just understand what we truly are.
  8. The main thing with gold is: Beauty And similarity / representation of Sun which reigns the day. With Silbes is also Beauty And similarity / representation of Moon which reigns the night. Funny how humanity evolved...
  9. yea much better! Just the title need some verb like "Creating a place..." Why not start with creating the space here? Keep it simple in the begining, just post nice learning videos and accept donations to get started with...
  10. Hi All, here is an suggestion how to advance and organize the communication: Feel free to add: Freicoin Alliance - Taking care of communication in the Alliance Forum (suggestion Fab, Fed, Arc) - Taking care of communication in Bitcointalk (Arc + ???) - Taking care of communication in Facebook (???) - Taking care of communication in Twitter (suggestion Fed) - Taking care of Alliance Blog (suggestion Fed) - Taking care of Alliance Email (Fed, Fab, Arc, Bic, Molly) - Taking care of Alliance Newsletter (suggestion ???) - Taking care of Reddit (suggestion ???) External: - Taking care of Commu
  11. here a nice dancing video: Amazing how much energy Young ones: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=677741448930336&pnref=story And even more amazing old ones: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=833472940007116&pnref=story Of course not to forget the savior of the known universe: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=608125585983026 See you, Martin
  12. UPDATE: Added responsibilities: Responsibilities: Basic Income / World Citizens Project, Communication and Cooperation and everything that until now nobody wants to do
  13. Hi all, currently I try to bring a little bit more overview in the projects, so that it is more visible which project is finished and which not. For contacting the exchanges we have currently to topics in the project forum. I Suggest to let only one topic in the project forum and make instead one exchanges overview topic in the Alliance Forum. What do you think? All the good, Arcurus
  14. Arcurus


    by the way, is it possible to display the first name (not the family name) and the likes on the left side, where the post count is shown`?
  15. Hi all, I am just looking to sort out the projects a little bit, so that it is more visible which project is in suggestion mode, already running or finished, not that we end up like in the Freicoin Forum with tons of suggestions and few finished projects. Is this project still in suggestion mode, or already running? And can you specify and short Title for the project? And describe in the beginning Post which some few sentences what it is all about? Thank you for that you do for Freicoin, Arcurus
  16. Hi all, found an nice post in the DOGE reddit: Enjoy, Arcurus http://www.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/2o1u87/you_all_are_awesome/ "Seriously. All of you are stellar people. I've been lurking this subreddit for months now off and on, and have had an interest in crypto-currency for about a year. I never thought I could get into the crypto-currency world. All of the currencies seemed hard to get used to and Bitcoin was intimidating to me. However after reading this subreddit and getting accustomed to the world of Doge, it seemed like something extremely fun and actually ATTAINAB
  17. "In an galaxy far, far away, orbiting the planet Thyrius the mysterious board of the Freicoin Allianz meet to decide the fate of everything in the known and unknown universe..." But wait, who is coming there? Could it be super Doge who will save at least the known universe? https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=608125585983026&pnref=story *How on earth I can get on the original video in a Facebook share?
  18. Hi all, here is an proposal for Freieconomy. The main goal is Help to propagate a Common Good Economy and bring use-cases to Freicoin. The Freieconomy is based on 5 columns to cover each aspect of Freicoin. More you can find here: http://freicoinalliance.com/topic/100-freieconomy-help-to-propagate-a-common-good-economy/ Please join the discussion! Best regards, Arcurus This topic is devoted to Freicoin Alliance related news and announcements! Please respect that! All other stuff will be deleted! If you want to comment to this Topic, please comment here: http://freicoinalliance.com/t
  19. Hi all, here is an proposal for Freieconomy. The main goal is Help to propagate a Common Good Economy and bring use-cases to Freicoin. The Freieconomy is based on 5 columns to cover each aspect of Freicoin. I put in some suggestions for caretakers, if you want to take care of an project please contact me or post here. Freieconomy - Help to propagate a Common Good Economy Freicoin Alliance Micro Loan Program (Caretaker Bick + Arc + you?) Freicoin Alliance Micro Loan Program - Get up to 25% extra for common good projects on your choice! Freipay - Support a Common Good Economy [1] (Careta
  20. Arcurus


    Some more suggestions for Forums Category: Freieconomy - Help to propagate a Common Good Economy Forum1: Freipay - Support a Common Good Economy Forum2: Freiinvest - Support Ethical Investments Forum3: Freicoin Alliance Micro Loan Program Forum4: Freicoin Alliance Basic Income / World Citizens Project Forum5: Freicoin Alliance Freiminng Program
  21. Arcurus


    Can you make an example?
  22. Hi All, here a nice video about: Tragedy of the Commons and How to solve! Very recommended for all that want to live in an community with shared Bathroom Enjoy, Arcurus
  23. Hi all, finally the Freicoin Alliance is now registered and ready for donations! http://foundation.freicoin.org/#/donations/detail/32 Time to move! As Bick said: See you, Arcurus This topic is devoted to Freicoin Alliance related news and announcements! Please respect that! All other stuff will be deleted! If you want to comment to this Topic, please comment here: http://freicoinalliance.com/topic/44-register-freicoin-alliance-to-freicoin-foundation-donation-matching/
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