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Everything posted by Arcurus

  1. Arcurus


    Hi Fedde, what do you think about dividing the project forum in: Category: Freicoin Alliance Projects Forum1: Project Suggestions Forum2: Running Projects Forum3: Done Projects This would help to see what projects are currently running... See you, Arcurus
  2. As a workaround you can try to add initial nodes manually: go in freicoin-qt-->Help-->Debugwindow-->Console type this command in (current nodes from my freicoin peers list: addnode add addnode add addnode add addnode add
  3. Added an Bug Issue for in github https://github.com/freicoin/freicoin/issues/19
  4. yea now when I look at it there is really an strange instrument on that orange hat... ... boy or girl, or transgender?
  5. "In an galaxy far, far away, orbiting the planet Thyrius the mysterious board of the Freicoin Allianz meet to decide the fate of everything in the known and unknown universe..."
  6. Yea, the 9th must be an alien, only aliens like these crazy earthlings are wearing such strange things like cloths
  7. Hi all, here an interesting Ethereum based project of building an decentralized virtual state. Enjoy! Arcurus http://forum.ethereum.org/discussion/1009/the-people-s-republic-of-doug-ethereum-based-decentralized-organization#latest
  8. One aspect of inner yoga sounds very similar to Earthing (at least the natural part of earthing). In our time its very important to bring the body in direct contact with natural components. Once I realized how less the body of an normal western country citizen is in contact with natural components I got shocked. Just think about how much your own body was in contact with natural components the last week, or months... No wonder why all kind of illnesses arises. Sometimes we seem to even forget that we have an body, we just follow concepts in our mind how live supposed to be according to th
  9. Up to now there is no functioning fully tested Freicoin Mobile Wallet. So yea the bounty is still available! As far as I know Jo was working on an Electrum based client, but up to now he did't post an fully working mobile wallet.
  10. Hi Jitmon, all seems fine, only the Email address should be changed to that: [email protected] By the way, what do you think, should we use the long description which is more similar to the Freicoin Foundation*, or the above one. *As suggested in the beginning of this topic`? See you, Martin By the way, what do you think about the freipay and the basic income proposal? I met one nice fellow from the common good economy movement and some from the basic income movement, who seems very interested....
  11. Thx Molly for registering the Alliance! Does someone know for what the Bitcoin address is needed? As Fedde said for Emails this can we used: [email protected]
  12. By the way, not long time ago Vitalik posted about prof of stake: https://blog.ethereum.org/2014/11/25/proof-stake-learned-love-weak-subjectivity/
  13. for me delegated proof-of-stake does not sound that bad, as long as once after a while the delegation must be renewed. So coins could be hold still in cold storage. An alternative would be to use another variant, that simulates "virtual miners". Instead of directly using proof of stake, you can buy "virtual miners" with destroying (or in case of Freicoin donating) coins. With this "virtual miners" you can sign blocks similar like in the proof of stake proposal.* * To guarantee fairness "virtual miners" loose their mining power after an certain time period counted in blocks. * To guarantee
  14. Hey people, shouldn't we put the coins to the alliance address after registration, so that we can apply for matching? But ok, we can do that also later, thx a lot for the donation
  15. Hi Molly, why not join Fabs Mining project and use the heat for organic farming? http://freicoinalliance.com/topic/63-query-of-interest-mining-organic-farming-project/
  16. By the way, who was the guy on the right front with the orange head? I though the Alliance has only 8 very secret members not 9? Have we been infiltrated
  17. Private message to FabXXXZ Psssst Fab, don't tell anybody about the very secret last Freicoin meeting http://freicoinalliance.com/topic/78-freicoin-alliance-secret-hangout/
  18. Thx Molly, that you make the registration! Short description is ok. I think for the long description we take now the new from Fab: What do you think?
  19. Lol lottery winning Maybe they can tax miners like that To tax VAT sounds strange. To tax it like foreign currency sounds good.
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