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Everything posted by Arcurus

  1. Arcurus

    Viking Shop!

    Hi Fedde, I think he prefers: SUPER DUPER HOT as PERKELE! Or something like that. But maybe make an extra one, so that I have one that I can also eat if I visit him
  2. UPDATE: Cooperative Bounty (Budget) of 120000 Freicoins is set up Cooperative means it this case, it can payed out step by step to more then one people. Bounty for each step can be negotiated. The tasks can be increased or decreased. If you want more information message me. Another solution to make the coins issuing more transparent would be to make an Freicoin explorer who displays that. Update: Arcurus: 15 Freihours (75000 Freicoins) Freicoins matched and ready to give out Fabrizio: 4 Freihours (20.000 Freicoins) status: prom
  3. thx Fab! If someone catches maaku or jitmon would be nice to ask if they need help to bring the donation matching to run. I think currently helping to make the donation matching more transparent for the "normal" guy out there and to make it more regularly like monthly, or better weekly or even daily would be great. Maybe we should create a bounty for that? Or is there someone willing to look into that, I am ready to help, but would be good to have someone who is more familiar with web-programming who can help me to learn the basics. Mainly I see these tasks TODO: - 1. Help to host a sever
  4. I don't know exactly what is the difference between charity and non profit in the English law. As far as I know in Germany we have only something like "common good association". I think the most important point is, that donation we get are text free. Maybe for the micro loan stuff or a project like Freipay its better to keep the organisation / legal form separate from the alliance. @Molly, but your wife can we a treasurer for the Alliance or Yea everything even the worst thinks like credit cards have something good, otherwise we would not have you
  5. I will also be most likly there. @Fabrizio you said that maaku mentioned something in the second hangout about the Freicoin Foundation / matching / roadmap? Can you summarize that?
  6. Molly, do you have some clue what legal formation would be good? I think in the beginning for the matching we can start also without an legal formation, because our project mission statement should fit to the Freicoin Foundation mission statement But good to think further in this direction and make research what legal framework would be the best. Yea maybe UK is a good country to get started.
  7. great! I think there a two different task we much think of. One is to have a address for the donation matching. That must be easy accessible. Second one ore more addresses for sub projects like the bounties, that need to hold coins for some time. At best the alliance itself most not hold any coins. @fabrizio yea a live chat for the alliance is fine, as long as we announce it openly
  8. Why private channel? Freicoin channel or this forum should be fine... We can also use Adhocracy to create a common text. By the way I don't know who recognized my suggestion was mainly copied from the Freicoin Foundation. Hopefully Jorge will forgive me for my copyright violation But I think still its good to ask him what he thinks about it. I copied the description mainly out of the reason, because I think that it will be good if there is a clear separation between giving out the initial / demuraged funds and a community driven project to support Freicoin like the Alliance. That would
  9. Maybe we could do like that, as long as nobody spams to the email sender. But then we must make also clear to the sender, that his mail is online visible. What do other think about that?
  10. Hi all, what do you think of creating some more "official" Freicoin Alliance Email addresses for contacting exchanges, organisations and so on.... Also an "official" contact email address would be great! All the good, Arcurus
  11. Arcurus

    Viking Shop!

    Yea of course I can wait Its for a Friend of me as a present. One year ago I bought him some chili from America with Bitcoin
  12. Arcurus

    Viking Shop!

    Wow chili paste! A fried of me likes that: Would it be possible to send two chili sauces to Germany and would it be possible to have a sign in the package with something like bought with Freicoin and the nice Freicoin bird in it? I would also buy one Vhita, because I want to help the guy... The Vhita you don't need to send to Germany for now, if you want you can just give it to somebody. All the good, Arcurus
  13. Thank you Fabrizio for organizing the Hangouts. Yea a short summary would be nice to have. I hope, that I will manage to join this time. 15:00 UTC is 16:00 in Sweden or?
  14. Hello Freicoiners, I think its now time that we bring the Freicoin Alliance to next level and register it on the Freicoin Foundation web for donation matching. This would mainly have two benefits: First of all bounties like the current mobile wallet bounty could be doubled with the matched Freicoins. Second the Alliance would be a good community driven test case for the Freicoin Foundation matching program. What we need to do? First of all we need a description, that can be something like that: "The Freicoin Alliance is a Freicoin Community driven project that seeks to create a world where c
  15. Whats about bringing the donation matching to run and make it more transparent / advance the foundation matching website?
  16. Hi Marc. thank you for your answer! In a way the sidechain technology is not what will make Freicoin "different" then other coins. As Marc said, the main thing that makes Freicoin different is, to be the first demurrage based global currency and on the same time tries to explore other more social coin distribution methods then mining. So my questions that I have for the future is more about how is it going on with this coin distribution experiment? What are the future plans for this? What we as community can do? What the developers can do? Where do we want Freicoin to evolve to?
  17. Why 13 Characters and not some seed words like Electrum uses? I vote for this bird: http://freicoinfaucet.com/
  18. Hi Joe, thanks for your great work! Buy the way is the Freicoin bird already displayed in Freilectrum
  19. lol, lurking on IRC for maaku and jitmon becomes a hobby of many Freicoiners Yea would be nice to have them during the meeting. Tomorrow evening I will travel for around two to three weeks to Italy to help there, so most likely I will not have a good internet connection and also not much time. But I wish you much fun! Maybe we can also meet more often on certain times in Freicoin IRC. By the way, generally we should try to focus more on the topic and make new Topics for other stuff that is worth to discuss and then link them. Otherwise the Topics get a little bit confusing... Of course
  20. You are welcome Yea it could be nice to have thinks like that, also for the current registered Feeicoin non profits. Maybe we can also look how the common good balance sheet of the Economy of the Common Good people looks like. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_for_the_Common_Good I would suggest to make different categories, like non harming, environmental friendly, decentralized power structure, open source, supporting free knowledge, fair treatment of workers, engagement for society and so on. In each category Freicoin Donators can then vote from -2 over 0 (neutral) to +2 This "
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