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  1. Upvote
    Victor reacted to fedde in P2Pool Howto (with merge mine Solidar)   
    This is quick guide to get started with own p2pool node that you can merge mine Solidar coin with. 
    I mostly use debian, should work on Ubuntu also. Be aware that you might need to run a version 8 of debian.
    Make sure you have Git installed ( sudo apt-get install git)
    git clone https://github.com/wincev/p2pool.git p2pool This will put the p2pool code for Freicoin in p2pool directory.
    Install requirements for running p2pool.
    sudo apt-get install python-zope.interface python-twisted python-twisted-web Now, grab your coin daemon from freico.in and solidar.it,  install them and get them running.
    Make sure you set the config files.
    nano .freicoin/freicoin.conf This is minimal config 
    server=1 daemon=1 rpcuser=freicoinrpc rpcpassword=yournastypassword rpcallowip= Similar for the merge mining, create a equal file with another rpcuser and password. 
    Fire up the daemons 
    freicoind -daemon solidard -daemon Let them sync fully, you will not be able to mine before they are fully synced.
    Then go to the p2pool directory and create a start.sh (nano start.sh)
    #!/bin/sh /usr/bin/python /home/p2pool/p2pool/run_p2pool.py --net freicoin --give-author 0 freicoinrpc yournastypassword \ --merged http://solidarrpc:[email protected]:55888 Make it executable with 
    chmod 755 start.sh When wallets are synced, you can start the p2pool with merge mining by entering
    ./start.sh It should now fire up. Point your miners to stratum+tcp://your_ip_of_server:9638 with your freicoin address as username, password can be anything. Whenever a freicoin block is found, it will try and submit it on the solidar wallet also.
    solidard getinfo To see if you get any solidar coins also into the solidar wallet.
    (i will clean it up this thread, but this is basicly how it's done)
  2. Upvote
    Victor reacted to Rik8119 in Solidar bot   
    Shocking 1.2 bln people are living on 2$ a day.. With a SLR price of 30 000$ we could pay everybody on the world 60$ basic income! #double #keepdreaming!
  3. Upvote
    Victor reacted to Rik8119 in Solidar bot   
    Because the Solidar bot is an important part of Solidar, for anybody wondering I wanna give a short outlook here what it is planned to be in the future.

    1. The Solidar bot willbe a fully working web wallet sending, receiving and managing funds.
    2. it is planned to integrate merchant functionallity -> add comments for transactions to verify payments.
    3. integrate a interface for merchants to receive informations about incoming payments.
    4. 10k messages are free after that facebook will contact with further instructions maybe then will be a good time to contact facebook about a basic income.
    5. contact facebook to integrate solidar further- more public visibility and untegration with facebook related payments.
    6. get mark zuckerberg to support solidar as he already advocated for a basic income.
  4. Upvote
    Victor reacted to magius in New website for Solidar   
    My work on Solidar website is finished. I created a new logo, I updated the graphics, I updated all the contents, adapting ones from the Freicoin site and forum. Now the website is also ready to be multilingual, but before translating it in italian, I wish to be sure that all the contents are correct. Please review them and let me know. 
  5. Upvote
    Victor reacted to magius in New website for Solidar   
  6. Upvote
    Victor reacted to Rik8119 in Roadmap   
    The basic income is payed through facebook messenger bot. Just log in and send "join" to register m.me/solidar.winc. There were some complaints about using facebook but there are some important features:
    1. automation - i dont need to verify each account (facebook does it)
    2. One can send SLR to any other registered bot user for free in no time
    3. There is no knowledge about cryptocurrencies needed.
    4. It runs on every system where the facebook bot runs.
    5. The amount of potential users is "tremendous" ;-).
    6. Facebook already has a marketplace for their included apps, that gives a lot potentially use cases.
    You have to check your balance each month to let the bot know that you are active. And thats all.
  7. Upvote
    Victor reacted to Rik8119 in Roadmap   
    Though there are no dates to fix the progress i like to announce what is planned/going on and a short explanation also to #Solidar:
    TOPIC: Port Solidar to Version 14, this will be a hard one, because Merge mining and demurrage has to be ported.
    TOPIC: I like to make deposits possible and i am thinking about an easy to use/ effective (automated with no further interaction) way to prevent multiple accounts.
    TOPIC: With the porting to V14 there is an easy way to compile windows clients on ubuntu what makes it a whole lot easier for me to compile new wallets for every version.
    TOPIC: Marketing, make a short describing video.
    TOPIC: Get the dnsseeder running again.
    TOPIC: Get an own Forum for Solidar.
    TOPIC: Program SolidarPay plugin to accept split payments with the merchant bot.
    DONE: There is no explorer atm and the most convenient way seems to me to use an electrum server to query addresses, because most alternatives don't work for Solidar.
    DONE: I like to advance the facebook messenger on-line wallet to increase merchant compatibility.
    DONE:  @fedde is working hard to implement it into freiexchange.com, thanks a lot for that. Other exchanges are not planned atm as it is very costly to get Solidar on, there is no demurrage implemented and exchanges like to cut support when something is not as expected (mostly profits).
    Here a short description what the concept is about:
    When you just wait with your account (just check balance monthly to get an income) at some point you get as income what the demurrage cost you, so there is a stable redistribution system in place. So, at a certain point there is nothing to win by hoarding. As the higher balanced addresses are stronger degraded than the smaller even the basic income can not save those, so that sooner or later all look the same (excluded the mining addresses).
    But as capitalism (the concentration of wealth) is an ongoing mechanism there will always be richer peoples that loose money to demurrage, so the monthly income is thought for those that can not save any money. They have to spend it and they profit the most because they get an unconditional income.
    Demurrage money is meant to be spend for quality food, clothing, technology and social improvements (e.g. donations to open source developments/free music). Those who tend to hoard will not profit but most important dont take away opportunities from other people!
    Of course the association have to use some funds to finance development marketing and organizations if there are not enough donations, but we try to keep the profile as low as possible and every coin spend will be transparent, so everybody can participate in keeping the costs low.
    Most likely fedde will include Solidar first but i keep it updated..
  8. Upvote
    Victor reacted to Rik8119 in Translation of Solidar bot   
    Hi everybody, here i post all possible answers, so if anybody is in the mood to translate them ill do my best to put them online ;-)
    "Hello, i am your Solidar bot, please type \"info\" for more information."
    "For a detailed description, type \"help\" followed by one of the options: -join -account -balance -send -payout -charge, example: \"help join\". For further questions send us an email to: [email protected].";
    "help join"
    "You can join Solidar basic income and send other facebook users Solidar vouchers within facebook messenger.";
    "help account"
    "Repeats your account number, where other users can send you Solidar to.";
    "help balance"
    "You can check your balance. NOTE: The balance reduces a litte every 10 minutes to fund the basic income. $input";
    "help send"
    "To send Solidar to other registered users you need the users accountID, example: \"send accountID amount\".";
    "help payout"
    "To send Solidar out of your facebook messenger to a mobile wallet, type: -payout Solidaraddress amount-.";
    "help charge") {
    "To charge your facebook messenger with Solidar vouchers, type: \"charge\".\n You will receive a message with further instructions.";
    "You are not registered, please type \"join\" to open an account.";
    "Your account ID is: $accountID";}
    "Nice to have you. You now receive a basic income in Solidar and users can send you Solidar by typing: -send $accountID amount-";
    "You are already a member, your account ID is: $accountID. Please type -info- for more options.";
    "You are not registered, please type \"join\" to join Solidar for facebook messenger.";
    "Your available balance is: $shortBalance Solidar.";
    "Please use an account ID to send Solidar. IDs consist of numbers and abcdef. Example: \"send 29098fa3afe65b 2.5\"";
    "Unable to read the amount. Please enter a correct amount. Example: \"send 29098fa3afe65b 2.5\"";
    "Your account ID $accountID does not match your user ID please contact [email protected] with your account ID.";
    "You can not send Solidar to yourself. Please use another account.";   
    "send $shortAmount Solidar to $recipientAID? Type \"ok\" to send. To discard, create a new transaction .";
    "There are no open transactions at the moment, please create a new transaction.";
    "The Pending transaction was send TxID: $message";
    "The pending transaction could not be send, if the error persists, please contact [email protected] with the MID: \"$rowPending[0]\" and the error: $error.";
    "There is no open transaction, please type \"send (account ID) (amount)\" to create a transaction.";
    "Not enough Solidar, the abailable balance is: $shortBalSen Solidar. Please use send to create another transaction.";
    "The accountID $recipient is not registered. Please check your spelling or contact [email protected] for questions.";
    "You did send $amount Solidar to $rowBooked[1]. Your remaining balance is: $finBalSender."
    "User $accountID send you $amount Solidar. Your available balance is: $finBalReceiver.";
    "TxID = $txid. Your remaining balance is: $finBalSender.";
    "Our server is offline, please try again later to send it with \"ok\". If the error persists contact us at [email protected]";
    "Error: \"$error\", the transaction cannot be send, please create a new transaction. If the problem cannot be solved contact us ([email protected]) with the error and the MID: \"$rowBooked[3]\". $txid";
    "That should never happen, please contact [email protected] if the error persist";
    "There are no open transactions at the moment, please create a new transaction."
    "Unable to read the amount. Please enter a correct amount. Example: \"payout Solidaraddress 2.5\"";
    "There is still a pending transaction, please send \"ok\" to try to send the transaction first.";
    "payout $amount Solidar to: $address? Type \"ok\" to send. To discard, create a new transaction.";
     "charge is not opperational at the moment, please follow our twitter account WINC_ev for updates.";
  9. Upvote
    Victor reacted to fedde in Hellow world   
    Welcome to the community   
    Also nice to see you around in the Telegram chat. Any questions, just ask them, there is a lot of resources here.
  10. Like
    Victor got a reaction from Arcurus in Hellow world   
    Hellow everyone!
    I'd just like to present myself to the community. I still quite new to cryptos, but I'm facinated by them. I'm also very interested on universal income. It was a mind blow for me to mix both into one faierer economic system! By chance I got to Solidar with that, and Solidar brought me to Freicoin as well.
    I hope to learn a lot here and hopefully be of some good use =)
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