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Freicoin Alliance
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Everything posted by Fabrizio

  1. Sup Arcurus, hope your doing good I very much like the idea, especially the FreiHour system, and would like to support/try out the project I have been spending some time building a local community, and have a group of people who would be interested in trying out this idea/project out, but would have some questions about this We have around ~10-30 people willing to give this project a try.. so what would be the easiest/straight forward way to register to this project? And how could we document the use of this idea/project the most open way? What features/improvements would you see benef
  2. Sup fellas When theres need for subforums, ye request 'em here in this thread or hit me up on IRC (freenode) or SILC (silc.freicoinalliance.com).
  3. Sidechains Latest interview: EB65 – Adam Back & Greg Maxwell: Sidechains Unchained Website: http://blockstream.com/Whitepaper: http://blockstream.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/sidechains.pdf Twitter: https://twitter.com/sidechains Freicoin Alliance forum thread: https://freicoinalliance.com/topic/37-freicoin-sidechains-open-for-business/ Other interviews / relating talks https://epicenterbitcoin.com/podcast/eb-020/ Epicenter Bitcoin E20: "Bitcoin 2014, Freicoin, Freimarkets & Sidechains" (Published on May 19, 2014), with Jorge Timon and Mark Friedenbach https://letstalkbitcoi
  4. This idea for having these Mazacoin subforum sections has been flowing gently on the air for a little while, being discussed a bit on the #Mazacoin IRC channel (on Freenode) and just a tad between me and few individuals I guess the main idea behind offering these forum subsections for other groups / projects is to establish common communication channels for similar ideas and similarly minded people. I see, and I'm glad to see others seem to agree ^^, that we all do benefit from working together.. where even small contribution, be it hours of man labor to a community project or writing hours
  5. They're back! With upgraded battery and 64GB model as an option ^^ Copied to the clipboard: http://igg.me/at/jolla-tablet/x/9190213
  6. I dont use exchanges too much, so I usually use the same address for deposits quite often and thats been working fine for me Some people promote the "best practices" for exchanges too, so with that in mind, creating a new address for every deposit would be the way to go Though, I've heard from some other traders too, that with Cryptsy it'd be good to generate a new addy every now and then. New address for every week seems to be what most recommend, but at the least for every month. Heard it has something to do with their way of managing their wallets and the "priority deposit" system.. or so
  7. Shows a lot of rejects in the miners too. Hmm, remind me with one thing.. should I use different worker names for the miners? Like sameFRCaddy.1 sameFRCaddy.2 etc? (currently I use only the addy)
  8. Mazacoin fellas are working on a multi-coin electrum fork, that would.. like the name suggests.. allow multiple different coins to work on a single client. This would though require the Freicoin electrum version of the client to be BIP44 compliant though. So.. I'll up my bounty to 5 Freihours for a version that is BIP44 compliant *edit: BTW, a little "bait" for devs.. theres a partially working electrum fork for Freicoin already, links discussion in this thread: https://freicoinalliance.com/topic/25-ann-freilectrum-pre-alpha-out-today/
  9. Ohh nice, sounds good If you need any hashrate on the pool, let us know ^^
  11. Yeah, I agree that the video maybe leaned too much towards violence with the graphics that were displayed. Though, thats maybe cuz there is currently many protests/demonstrations/marches/sitdown etc. ending up in conflicts and chaos just because the police/governments come in to escalate these. So in a way.. its good to show whats going on.. but then again, it would be great too to balance things out with some alternative / happy activities It's also good to remember, that in a short video like that its hard to convey the whole stories behind the footage.. like indeed those peaceful demonstra
  12. Vimeo vids are working fine for me
  13. David Crowley, director of an upcoming anti-government movie 'Gray State', found dead after finding the long needed funding for the project. http://blessings.buzz/2015/01/19/video-anti-government-filmmaker-and-family-found-dead-who-really-killed-them/ https://www.youtube.com/user/GrayStateMovie http://www.graystatemovie.com/
  14. Gary Webb, exposed the CIA drug trafficking and was about to hit the court with a load of evidence. Found dead.. two gunshot wounds to the head.. ruled suicide. Upcoming movie: Kill the Messenger http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1216491/ "Based on the True story of Journalist Gary Webb. The film takes place in the mid 1990s, when Webb uncovered the CIA's past role in importing huge amounts of cocaine into the U.S. that was aggressively sold in ghettos across the country to raise money for the Nicaraguan Contras rebel army. Despite enormous pressure not to, Webb chose to pursue the story and wen
  15. Sup macnzl! Great to see you connecting here ^^ A hearty welcome from the cold north, Finland! I guess it goes without saying that I support hemp farming and hemp products whole heartedly! I've grown hemp for the past two summers and have gotten it promoted to the local farmers, so very likely we'll see more hemp fields here this summer! ^^ We also have a hemp variety thats grown for its seeds here, Finola, so I'd be interested to hear more about the processing plant! Is it something like 'Do It Yourself' style project / something that small farmers can get/make for a reasonable cost maybe?
  16. Hehe, why this is in the conspiracy corner? Are ye mabby hinting towards a conspiracy that mr. Gamble is a controlled opposition? ;D *tinfoilhatter* But yeah, the movie is pretty goodie A lot of good opinions and interesting views on future ^^
  17. Was about to post in the inspirational videos, but since this is kinda related to these, I'll hit this one up in here: To change everything
  18. A good clip with a nice way of visualizing the numbers and stats Recommended watch for everyone ^^ Hehe, watching that video from a crypto enthusiasts point of view, made me have the usual *facepalm* moments Cant help but start to think how much better the society would look like with blockchain technology deployed.. or if even the "basic" opensource software projects would be more used in government level. Like it was asked in the clip, how many would put their tax money towards war or other nonsense, if they had the option to choose Blockchain technology is an answer to so many of the to
  19. Bick, are you thinking of maybe funding this project with the microloan project as well? Or maybe applying / allowing donations for it? I'd be happy to contribute towards this ^^ We now also have section for free / atlernative energy, so I'd be happy to see some updates/progress posts.. or just some planning talk in there
  20. Yeah, article on the page and a separate page with active exchanges would be great For some reason I thought there already was one, hehe. But I guess I mixed that with the statistics page, where you can see the price index with them exchange names: https://freicoinalliance.com/page/statistics.html *edit: ohh and yeah! I'd really like to see them exchanges apply the demurrage on the order books and account balances AskCoin is apparently the only one doing it for now.
  21. A great allegory / possible explanation why the banking industry is so twisted
  22. SARS did not exist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ci8t2NeErc
  23. First of all, obvious note... Spoiler Alert! Thought about posting these clips to the existing threads... but this serie has so many conspiracy theories in its story line, that I think this deserves a thread of its own So.. post or discuss clips of the serie outlining or discussing a "real" conspiracy theory. I'll start with this:
  24. A scene from the british TV serie 'Utopia' [spoiler alert!] This show is a great watch for conspiracy kooks It has a lot of the conspiracy theories about ways to achieve human depopulation, from vaccines to GMO's and other known non-healthy ingredients in foods to destroy the reproductive system / fertility. Matches a lot of the happenings and reports from past decades that have come to be known facts in ~real life.
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