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Everything posted by Rik8119

  1. They did not write back, so i guess they are too busy, or they gave up on vircurex or freicoin. To the question: Both is the Case but when they switch to the new wallet the wallet should recognize that the transaction was never received by the network and recover them automatically. All that is left to be done for vircurex is to resend the transaction. But nobody knows if or when they react :-( Rik
  2. Hi whisper, you are right last withdrawal i did did not come through! I think they are on the wrong chain and need to upgrade their wallet. I contacted them to check if the wallet is up to date. You may also want to open a ticket to check if that is the reason for your problem too. please assure that you are not using your bitcoin deposit address for your freicoin deposit (if that had happend you can only hope that vircurex use the bitcoin address to restore your freicoin). Rik
  3. Rik8119

    Escrow service

    Although Vircurex is online again i will keep the thread alive. But also as OTC trading. As common for OTC trades you can send me pms for non- public requests. These will not be entered here and will be completely done via the forum personal chat.
  4. Withdrawals seem also to work fine. Maybe some Hacker started ddos..?
  5. Rik8119

    Escrow service

    Well only because they were offered very cheap doesn't mean they are not worth much more ;-). However, thanks for the offer.
  6. Rik8119

    Escrow service

    The offer is selling 7000 FRC for 0.14 BTC
  7. The problem with the block explorer (still not syncing) could be that the explorer out of memory. As i configured it for WLC it happend every few days and i give it up.
  8. Rik8119

    Escrow service

    Hi, the offer is @. Means every FRC will cost 2k Satoshi. Rik
  9. Rik8119

    Escrow service

    Hi everybody, as there is practically only our exchange.sicanet.net left to buy and sell freicoins and it is a litte hard to keep on track, i want to offer some escrow service for otc trades. I will update the offers here in the thread and contact the buyer and sellers. If one has an offer to make post here or pm me. Fees are 0.5 % each, seller and buyer. To explain in detail: in principle there are 2 options: 1. Sell FRC 2. Buy FRC If there is someone selling FRC for BTC it will look like this: Sell offer: 1000 FRC @ 0.00002 BTC If there is someone buying FRC with
  10. I do not see the problem. The current height in my Wallet is 165339 what is also different to some of your peers. Is there anything usable message in the debug.log?
  11. Are you using windows? Yes, on Windows it is a little bit different. On Ubuntu/Linux this is usable without problems. Have you tried WOW64. It should run automatically but maybe it isnt? https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa384249(v=vs.85).aspx
  12. Hold on, now it has all blocks up to 165338. Ok, now i am confused. The explorer shows 164647 as last block. Maybe the wallet on the server has to be updated?
  13. "AcceptBlock() : rejected nVersion=2 block" Is the error i receive. The Version from CBLockheader (main.h) is CURRENT_VERSION=3 And it looks like the pool is on the wrong fork, since somehow it tries to produce Version 2 Blocks although we already have Version 3 enabled. So it would be important to stop the pool install the newest versions and start again.
  14. Hi, no my wallet is stuck at 163795. And i got a lot of orphan blocks in the logfile. hmm
  15. What does your wallet say? How many blocks does it have? If your local wallet show 164645 blocks than you could check the debug.log. There normally it prints the error if a block is not accepted. If you install the old wallet version and use it to produce valid blocks, than this is most likely the source of the error.
  16. 1+2. The attempt to promote the coin is indeed pointess when you have close to zero support from any dev. That is why i started WLC which has merge mining included and the association % payout to redistribute the coin is fixed for all times plus it is much easier to keep a currency alive and on an exchange when you can influence its development. FRC sure still has a role to play during the next (even bigger) financial crisis but it has no sustainable redistribution mechanism, what makes the demurrage useless in my eyes. 3. You said it: These are only features, there is nothing completely
  17. Hi there Bick, thanks for the repayment! I hope the best for your project. If your ever interested in a basic income project my WLC is a good start maybe also for your students... ;-)
  18. thats awesome! Are you still making it together with your students?
  19. Nope no idea, i hope everyone got their coins secure? I think i had only a few thousand still sitting there, unlike the 150k FRC i lost on cryptsy. Rik
  20. Hi, sorry i do not know how this has passed by me i send the btc right now.. My address is 1NBRiWWsQdEEAQU8KtWGg9xHQrrhYEWnG7 Let me know if you need more. BTW looks really tasty!
  21. Hi @Bicknellski , i do not have too much time at the moment. For me it is enough when you tell me an address that is only for my payment and i sent you the BTC there and post the address for payback here in the forum. So everybody is informed and it is asap - as simple as possible ;-)
  22. Hi @fedde its a nice chat app. I like to use it and can recommend it.
  23. Hi, glad you found the time to answer. So the plan is that we split the funding between us 4 @fedde @Fabrizio @Arcurus and myself. We each pay equal amounts of money as an interest free loan. And the students pay back the loan to each of us using our bitcoin addresses. Sounds quite fair for me. Can you shoot some photos then during the event for some PR? Greeting Rik
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