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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/17/17 in all areas

  1. Arcurus


    @fedde is/ was working also on a Webwallet to distribute Freicoins directly to verified people.
    3 points
  2. Rik8119


    Atm its: @Skaro, @fedde, @Arcurus and @Bicknellski and me that are actively discussing/improving. There are some others that joining in from time to time but we are the core. Latest Improvements are: 1. A blockexplorer showing the balance with the demurrage substracted -> freicoin.info. 2. A fast, good looking and easy to use exchange -> freiexchange.com. 3. Freicoin Wallet 0.9 tested and working -> https://github.com/eddef/freicoin. 4. The newest p2pool ported to freicoin -> http://alfa.sicanet.net:9638/static/ (Payout and Transaction count is not displayi
    3 points
  3. Arcurus


    great! Wow Freiexchange is mentioned three times
    2 points
  4. Skaro


    The freicoinfoundation page has had some updates. http://foundation.freicoin.org/#/trade/candidate and I'm working on an analytics page to summarize Foundation spending and advanced explorer queries and stats. Coming mid July.
    2 points
  5. Skaro


    This is for updating from wallet.
    1 point
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