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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/01/17 in Posts

  1. Rik8119


    Though there are no dates to fix the progress i like to announce what is planned/going on and a short explanation also to #Solidar: TOPIC: Port Solidar to Version 14, this will be a hard one, because Merge mining and demurrage has to be ported. TOPIC: I like to make deposits possible and i am thinking about an easy to use/ effective (automated with no further interaction) way to prevent multiple accounts. TOPIC: With the porting to V14 there is an easy way to compile windows clients on ubuntu what makes it a whole lot easier for me to compile new wallets for every version.
    1 point
  2. Rik8119

    Solidar bot

    Because the Solidar bot is an important part of Solidar, for anybody wondering I wanna give a short outlook here what it is planned to be in the future. 1. The Solidar bot willbe a fully working web wallet sending, receiving and managing funds. 2. it is planned to integrate merchant functionallity -> add comments for transactions to verify payments. 3. integrate a interface for merchants to receive informations about incoming payments. 4. 10k messages are free after that facebook will contact with further instructions maybe then will be a good time to contact facebook
    1 point
  3. This is quick guide to get started with own p2pool node that you can merge mine Solidar coin with. I mostly use debian, should work on Ubuntu also. Be aware that you might need to run a version 8 of debian. Make sure you have Git installed ( sudo apt-get install git) git clone https://github.com/wincev/p2pool.git p2pool This will put the p2pool code for Freicoin in p2pool directory. Install requirements for running p2pool. sudo apt-get install python-zope.interface python-twisted python-twisted-web Now, grab your coin daemon from freico.in and solidar.it, install
    1 point
  4. magius

    New website for Solidar

    1 point
  5. magius

    New website for Solidar

    My work on Solidar website is finished. I created a new logo, I updated the graphics, I updated all the contents, adapting ones from the Freicoin site and forum. Now the website is also ready to be multilingual, but before translating it in italian, I wish to be sure that all the contents are correct. Please review them and let me know.
    1 point
  6. Rik8119

    Solidar bot

    Shocking 1.2 bln people are living on 2$ a day.. With a SLR price of 30 000$ we could pay everybody on the world 60$ basic income! #double #keepdreaming! http://www.twodollarsaday.com/
    1 point
  7. Rik8119


    The basic income is payed through facebook messenger bot. Just log in and send "join" to register m.me/solidar.winc. There were some complaints about using facebook but there are some important features: 1. automation - i dont need to verify each account (facebook does it) 2. One can send SLR to any other registered bot user for free in no time 3. There is no knowledge about cryptocurrencies needed. 4. It runs on every system where the facebook bot runs. 5. The amount of potential users is "tremendous" ;-). 6. Facebook already has a marketplace for their included
    1 point
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