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Everything posted by Rik8119

  1. Puh, i was close to belive that we are sitting on a deadcoin walking.. ;-). Thanks a lot! Please keep us updated. Lets make this Coin Great again!
  2. Hi Bicknellski, i am interested. What is the exact plan? Will you use the FRC to pay the workshop and buy it back from the exchange afterwards? I guess you need Rupiah/$/BTC. So will you exchange it first? Greetings Rik
  3. Sorry i was referring to the calculation of the demurrage. That is one calculation each block and after a few thousand blocks this is getting to much for the app to caculate and it is asking to shut down. Though i tested it only with my WLC wallet, i think this could also be an issue for FRC wallet. I will do the issue report as soon as i tested it further and i have the time.
  4. ah vircurex.. i have never done it, so i have no idea how much work that means.
  5. Hi Fedde looking much better now. If you have the code online please inform me. Demurrage calculations are important i think but ok, lets check when the code is online.
  6. Hi, i discovered the problem that the app seem to be stuck when calculating the balance of transactions that have a chaindepth of several thousand blocks. I have already thought about some calculation method but i want to report it also here..
  7. I think @fedde already have iquidus running on some server. But it was not looking as nice as this one.
  8. Hi thanks again for testing. I found the problem with my server. I had a misspelling in my config file and that was enough to discard new transactions. however now everything should be working.
  9. Hi Bicknellski, thanks for testing. Can you look again? i have restarted the server. It looks like the transactions are only updated when i restart the server. I contacted @fedde cause he has experience with the electrum server but he said that this was never a problem during his testing. Rik
  10. Super, thanks a lot. The one WLC you received is your Basic income. The new wallet only uses 8-10 mb of storage and can store a lot of currencies at the same time with one seed. Additionally it is a lot faster because it is only storing the transactions and the main work is done on the electrum server. I tested it now also on a Jolla Phone and it is working there too.
  11. Hi Bicknellski, do you compile and install the coinomi wallet from source www.github.com/Rikski/coinomi-android or do you install the old one? I Wanted to test the new Coinomi wallet with WLC support http://www.winc-ev.org/english/downloads-contact/ . Can you install this wallet and try it? Sending some coins from and back into the wallet? Thanks a lot. I have completed some Transactions (Samsung Galaxy S3 mini), but i want also to have it tested on other phones.
  12. Hi everybody, thanks to a very good tip from @Skirmant i solved the storage problem for the transactions. I will upload the wallet. If anybody interested in helping to test i can send you some WLC to test. Greetings Rik. P. S. Freicoin is not included yet, but when i finished the tests this is only a minor part.
  13. Thats true, thank you for your effort! I found out that the problem is that the appeared height (block with the transaction in it), cannot be read from the transaction details. If i set it manually to some random blockheight the wallet starts at least. So i guess its some issue with the protobuffer language that decode the raw data, which i am nor very familiar with. Anyhow at least i can send transactions now. The problem here was that i calculated the demurrage too late during transaction generation. Rik
  14. Interesting how the activity in this forum is linked to the volatility of the bitcoin price.. ;-). Anyway, the problem is at the moment the transactions are somehow missing the correct datafield (should be BUILDING but are UNKNOWN) when restarting coinomi: 05-24 21:24:43.431 27072-27250/com.coinomi.wallet.dev E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: ModernAsyncTask #4 java.lang.RuntimeException: An error occurred while executing doInBackground()
  15. The transactions are shown now and the demurrage is calculated. The app crashes during sending cons, so some code is not properly working right now. Have to check this. Interestingly the demurrage calculation hangs up the phone when an old transaction is loaded in the account, so using BigDecimal seems problematic for long term usage. I will try to calculate it with another datatype.
  16. The sourcecode is available here: https://github.com/Riksi/coinomi-android to adapt to WLC i also had to change bitcoin https://github.com/Riksi/bitcoinj i am not sure if these are all changes needed, but i think most of the work is done. However the tests will show..
  17. I have started to integrate WLC into coinomi-electrum wallet for android. i will comment my progress here..
  18. Hi fedde, i am testing the p2pool (wlc version - same code just for wlc) with NiceHash to see if i can figure out what the problem is, but NiceHash says the pool is not compatible - most probably to difficulty settings (connection is tested ok - Received mining.notify subscription... OK Error: Received no data. in Pool verificator window). Adding wlcaddress+difficulty to stratum query (used difficulty from 1024 to 9000 tested, also with /difficulty) is not making it better. Do you (or anybody) have any experience with that?
  19. Include it in the sourcecode (net.cpp line 1194) and every wallet find connections within moments
  20. Is the freicoin Version with stratum mining? I am a little bit confused because the last commits from @Mark Friedenbach are younger that my last ones on www.github.com/freicoinalliance/p2pool .
  21. Hi thanks very much for the answer, was that with the freicoinalliance/p2pool or with the freicoin/p2pool?
  22. Hi Bicknellski, do you know what the difference to that pool is? https://github.com/FreicoinAlliance/p2pool And more info on the Error is needed, maybe fedde can help here?
  23. Yepp, i thought i fixed it. But Fedde said the problem is that the pool is not using all the hashpower it got. But we havent got into detail by now..
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