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Freicoin Alliance
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Posts posted by Bicknellski

  1. Legal formation? Think we need to move on this to become a CIO.  

    Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)


    UK (Non profit) / EC based is preferred since the Freicoin Foundation is already US based. 







    1. Set up a charity

    There are 6 steps to setting up a charity.

    1. Find trustees for your charity - you usually need at least 3.

    2. Make sure the charity has ‘charitable purposes for the public benefit’.

    3. Choose a name for your charity.

    4. Choose a structure for your charity.

    5. Create a ‘governing document’.

    6. Register as a charity if your annual income is over £5,000 or if you set up a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO).

    There are different rules in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

    To get tax relief your charity needs to be recognised by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).

  2. I think all these points are acceptable to me and will help us move forward in the FA.


    I would suggest we have at least 2 people with control and an alternate if someone can't fulfill the duties.


    I volunteer to be an alternate at this time as I would have a conflict of interest with while being a guarantor for the loan from the FA in the micro loan pilot project.

    This works for me.


    "The Freicoin Alliance is a Freicoin Community driven project that seeks to create a world where commonplace non-usurious complementary currencies inspired by the works of Silvio Gesell are brought into being through economic development, charitable action, and the support of global commons and which engender perpetual prosperity through sustainable development."


  3. I think we need to list a few important questions for Mark so he can give us some insight.


    I have a few but others should read the paper and think about the implications of sidechains and ask some probing questions to help us focus our efforts inside the FA.


    1. How might this affect current exchanges?

    2. How should we in the FA proceed with things like the Android based Wallet?

    3. Do we need to wait for sidechains if we are trying to get bootstrapped applications that might need new coding for sidechains?

    4. How might this affect current service providers like cointopay does this make them obsolete or will they have to work on a new adaptation to sidechains when they are live?

    5. How can we help support bootstrapping before during and after the implementation of sidechains? Meaning what areas should we focus on?





    For Merchants and Consumers in a nutshell:

    Make- and Receive Online payments

    Buy and Sell Coins directly

    Support for all crypto currencies like BitCoin

    24x7 operational support for customers

    Pay out in currency of choice

    Free service: T-Zero instant Crypto payment technology

    Your advantages with Cointopay in a nutshell:

    Fully functional web wallet
    Best possible exchange rates
    Multiple crypto coin trading pairs
    Real time balance sheet and dashboard
    Full REAPI Support for your site and application
    Personal Data encryption for high anonymity function
    Autonomy mode

  4. Let me know when you are ready to beta test. I would be keen on doing some sample "lessons" for this site as there are number of people keen on learning Montessori methods or building Montessori materials.


    Also I think you should incorporate the Creative Commons licenses in your walkthrough so that those posting these informative lessons are able to retain copyright or give it away and yet still get paid via your system.

  5. So where is possible to download the app to test if it is working?


    Single link for me to try it?


    For FA i will provide a single server at my DC or two at two seperated DC's (in 2 diffrent countries to eliminate single point of failure) for 1-2 nodes in Europe at no cost at this point to secure the network as i have access to several datacenters in europe. At this point there is nothing to secure so i will be busy with other things.


    Thanks Fed. That is very generous and one more example of why we are all reputable people who will pay up when a bounty is completed.

  6. So where is it possible to download the app and test if it is working? A single link for me to try it? Nothing yet right so no bounty can be released yet then.


    We are more than reputable to hold the coins / bounty and pay off said bounty to a working system that meets the requirements.


    FA might want to use an escrow if they have also put up some of the bounty I have no issues with that. 


    I can be the escrow. I have held 80K USD in BTC as an escrow in the past so this would be peanuts in comparison. I think we who have put up the bounty are reputable and there is no need to debate that or question our motives to pay the bounty. Seems like the discussion on partial payment is the real problem here.


    We have already paid bounties for things like getting new exchanges via voting. Askcoin and Bleutrade as examples. I have personally paid out for other projects in the Frecoin Forums without any issues to an escrow and never really seen anything come back about those projects. I don't want to have to dig through all the posts suffice to say I have personally supported others there and it should be quid pro quo here and now. There is obviously trust that I gave so it should be the same coming back to me right with this bounty. Also we have the forums up etc we are not running some fly by night operation. I don't want to give bounties out unless the bounties are completed. We have a solid 100% reputation and there is nothing in our collective history that would indicate otherwise.


    Let us be clear.


    We put up a bounty.

    We are serious about getting a working application and we want to have it working asap.


    Now if someone doesn't want to work on the bounty as per our bounty guidelines that is ok. But we are not hear to nego that aspect. If we were going to negotiate payments we would just hire a programmer to do this and ask for a rate. Bounties do not work that way. This is not a tender.


    I really want something I just click it loads and it works. I don't want to go through months of glitches and problems and downloading stuff and the kids I am working with are left without any other options than using a pc based wallet. I put up the bounty believing that was the way it would go. First to market gets the bounty that is how it works. Not a partial working product. If the bounty is too low then maybe others will be willing to pony up more.


    The people putting up this bounty are not going to screw over anyone that fulfills the bounty requirements.


    Do we need to clarify those points again on the bounty being released?


    The alternative is pulling the bounty and hiring a professional to do this which is fine by me as well so we can avoid this sort of negotiation on partial fulfillment of a bounty. If we allow this what happens if someone else has a working wallet other than Joe before he is done? Will he pay back the partial bounty? See the problem?

  7. If you want anything to work in terms of self-learning you still need a methodology and a prepared environment that is conducive to self-motivated learning.


    It doesn't require a "teacher" to be "teaching" it requires system that is able to guide or lead the self-learning efficiently with materials that allow the learner to self-regulate or check their own progress. Montessori has been doing this for 100+ years and is very effective across all cutlures and socioeconomic strata.


    Didactic materials – Didactic meaning “designed or intended to teach,” these are the specially designed instructional materials—many invented by Maria Montessori—used in Montessori classrooms. 

    Control of error – Montessori materials are designed so that the child receives instant feedback as he works, allowing him to recognize, correct, and learn from his mistakes without adult assistance. Putting control of the activity in the child’s hands strengthens his self-esteem and self-motivation as well as his learning. 


    Before you put in a lot of time into a system I would hope you can use me to help you make that system more effective for learning at a structural level. My experiences are directly related to having our students work very independently with little or no supervision from me. They are highly motivated and they are happy to work independently or in groups. I suggest this because there are some key features to any learning environment virtual or real that need to be in place if you want it to be effective and efficient. There are plenty of failed systems littering the Internet that could with some tweaks become effective. 


    As I stated before there are some working examples on the internet currently that work very well.


    • Khan Academy
    • SOLE Self Organized Learning Environments


    If you familiarize yourself with those models then you will be further along that 99% of the systems available commercial or free. 

  8. Whatever floats your boat I was merely trying to give you the benefit of the 15 plus years where my struggles as an educator led me to situation in my career that has finally allowed me to ability to have students educate themselves with guidance. In real terms it has given me a methodology and the importance of always providing the best environment possible for learning. Note: Effective and efficient teaching / mentoring whatever you want to call it requires or demands prepared environments and methods. Even when you remove the teacher from the equation you still need to help the novice learner with a system of knowledge arranged so that they can achieve something other than confusion.


    Good luck. Thanks for the suggestions.

  9. You might want to take a few minutes and re-read what I posted. 


    The idea of Montessori, Khan Academy and countless others sites is to let the learner choose their work and who provides the lesson.


    Anyhow. Let me know when you get something working.


    The one that really goes to what you are prescribing is having the cloud as the educator using a SOLE.





    I for one employ SOLE approaches in my school and they are very effective.


    Self Organized Learning Environment (SOLE) is a place where children can work in groups, access the internet and other software, follow up on a class activity or project or take them where their interests lead them. The term SOLE was popularized by Sugata Mitra.


    Project SOLE was begun in 10 locations in HyderabadAndhra Pradesh, with an 11th one in Sindhudurg rural area of Maharashtra over a period of 2 years, 2008-2009.


    Despite some potential, the concept of 'unsupervised learning environments' has drawn much criticism from educational circles.[1]


  10. I am more than willing to help act as the guru in residence to help you work on the effectiveness of the media being put out there. 
    As a professional teacher there are always ways, especially in the digital world, to make learning something that improves the quality of education that people receive.
    What is paramount is creating the absolutely best environment for learning that you can. Be it in the real world or in the virtual world.
    Here are some thought provoking ideas on the conceptual background of education. It is kind of important I believe to watch these before you do anything in digital education or education. These 2 videos really outline education for the next 200 years.
    Now as a Montessorian I can attest to the fact that Sugata Mitra is correct and his vision of education will be the one that humanity will follow as it is already happening now simply with the use of current technology like google or youtube. Making whatever interests you available to others is an important step to sharing or teaching. Give the skills sets that people have here it would be ideal if you can test your system out with the students at my school. I can aid you in that by being the bridge between real and virtual instruction.
    Some wonderful resources currently available for students and teachers is Khan Academy https://www.khanacademy.org/ the CK12 foundation https://ck12.org/ as well as Bitesize http://www.bbc.co.uk/education to name only a few that I have found very useful for students and have encouraged use in my classrooms.
    Personally as an educator what is required is a method / methodology that is consistent and is proven to work for students of all cultures, ages etc. That method should allow students to receive guidance when necessary or asked for as well as providing needed mentoring or observation of the work being produced by the students but it must be something that students are drawn to. Intrinsic motivation is the key. The material should provide an internal motivation from the learner to learn that material and maintain that learning spirit through out the process. 
    Where to start.
    1. Have a body of knowledge outlined into a textbook or curriculum.
    2. Subdivide the media you have into smaller lessons that students can choose.
    3. Provide basic instruction on the topic that allows the student ample time to practice as well as be a means for self motivated learning.
    4. Observe or provide didactic materials or answers to the practice the students do. Answers to the questions or problems.
    5. Provide the next media in a reasonable sequence that allows for the progress of the student towards a goal of proficiency in the subject or software.
    At very early ages the lessons you give should have a 3 period structure as students get older these periods become integrated often becoming a single lesson.

    The 3 period lesson is traditionally used in the Montessori classroom to  introduce a new concept or language to a child and broaden his understanding of the concept and enrich his language.
    When the teacher gives a 3 period lesson, she is concise in her words, clear in her articulation, and slow in her movements.
    This lesson is typically given with 3 objects of contrast and presented in isolation.  For example, if introducing the child to sandpaper letters (at NNMS this would be in cursive), we may offer “l,” “j” and “o” as they are contrasting both visually and auditorily.
    In the above video, you will see our 3-6 teacher giving a 3 period lesson, introducing the child to the names of three countries from the North American continent map.  She had previously assessed the countries known from this map, and then selected these three to present, has he had demonstrated they were not yet mastered. Using the video as an example, I will explain each period:
    1. Naming:
    The adult gives the name of each country, slowly and one at a time.  The pieces of the map are first placed in isolation on the “control map,” away from the other pieces of the map. The teacher then further isolates the objects,  placing them on a blank space to help the child visually focus only on these pieces.
    2. Recognition and Association:
    Next, the adult asks the child to act upon this object in some way.  The child now is working kinestheticly with the objects and the concepts are being reinforced through this hands-on experience.  The child continues to hear the language and associate the object visually as well.  This 2nd period is the longest, as it is a fun and playful way to hold the child’s interest as he practices recognition and association.  For example, when working with the sandpaper letters a teacher may say (giving the sound the letter makes), “Trace ‘L'”…  “Put ‘O’ in my hand”…”Point to ‘J’.”  In the above video the teacher stays in this 2nd period, keeping him engaged through manipulation of the objects, until she believes he is ready for the 3rd period.
    3. Recall:
    The teacher now assesses comprehension by asking the child to recall the names.  She points to one of the objects and asks, “What is this?”  After the child answers, she does the same with the 2nd then the 3rd object.  If a child were not able to recall the names or gives a different name, the adult would simply give the associated name and then ends the lesson casually. She will make note to represent this lesson within a day or two.
    You will hear the teacher end the lesson saying, “we will learn three more (names) tomorrow.”  When this takes place, she will first re-assess the names he has previously learned to check for retention.  Should any have been forgotten, she would represent those names before introducing new language.
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