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Everything posted by Skaro

  1. Oops. I missed a part. Reading at the bus stop....and I can't delete the previous comment.
  2. Great. Thanks Arcurus. Rik, Fedde, Fab, anyone? Your feelings on short-term, med-term, and long-term goals? working wallets and p2pool has to be on the list. For Friday, please.
  3. Rather, also, what are long term and short priorities? Updated wallets and p2pool must be on your list.
  4. "How can we come into contact with maaku and jitmon and find out what their opinion is and if they are ready to engage and if yes in what way?" perhaps a more buisiness like structure could help. Since people are busy, we have prescheduled meetings, with an agenda distributed in advance. etc.
  5. "Are we ready to go into a Proof of Stake / Proof of Member direction. If so do we want to implement it as a second / third layer or directly?" I didn't see a clear decision on this. I think people were asking for developers input. Perhaps, to keep things together, we can quote this comment and say Yes/No and a brief comment. Me: Yes. As I see, a change in this direction is within the original idea of Freicoin. I think it's implementation is a matter of resources. So a layered implementation would probably be easier. i think SegWit is sort of Proof of Stake, no? So
  6. "Can we agree, that we want to have other coin distributions then mining" YES! Everybody here did agree to having methods of coin distribution other than JUST mining.
  7. Okay thanks. Well it seems to me that any discussion of sustainability should probably include at least something about where to spend the coins. There are none. I suppose thats a large part of what the foundation was about, to encourage a community, sellers and buyers. I feel we are forgetting this part of circulation.
  8. @Rik8119, the way I see it, the main thing to make it start happening, is someone starting to do it, and you are the only one qualified. I move to nominate Rik to join the developement team! We can do that as a community, no? Someone to second the motion?
  9. Please define 'sustainable' and 'redistribution' place, for me.
  10. There is some code there for Freicoin 0.14. Perhaps we could summarize what changes this would make to Freicoin, and what needs to be done from their toward these ideas (distributing the demurrage, proof of stake and member etc)
  11. Arcurus and Rik, Have you looked at what's here: https://github.com/freicoin/freicoin/tree/freicoin-0.14?files=1
  12. Skaro

    Need.. more.. FRC..

    Is there any way of estimating this: Number of adresses that have become inactive, Number of wallets upgraded, Historical number of codes?
  13. " If a fully p2p issuance mechanism alternative to mining is found, a mechanism (for example, proof-of-stake voting) could be established to determine how much goes to security (miners) and how much to the alternative."
  14. The idea of diverting some of the 5% demurrage away from miners to something well within the original philosophy of Freicoin. "Once all Foundation funds are spent, the annual 5% demurrage will go in full to miners if no alternative has been found." https://freiexchange.com/pages/foundation So I think it can be a good idea. (I'm the orignalist texturalist here lol) But I think we should be careful in our minds to consider that the cryptocurrency world is in a different state of evolution than anyone 'predicted', and Freicoin now is different from what it would be with highe
  15. Skaro

    Need.. more.. FRC..

    Gentlemen, we broke the 300 level on CoinMarketCap, We are ranked at 292. This rating always fluctuates, but this is a benchmark in Freicoin's new life. At the last trade, FRC was at 0.00000190 BTC.
  16. Skaro

    Need.. more.. FRC..

    There is a genuinely healthy market.
  17. Well that's quite illuminating (any sarcasm is a reflection of my own frustration). Just to keep the info together in one place, I had difficulty running the .exe on an AMD 64 bit Windows computer. But the client itself works just fine on the 64 bit after the work around. So .... doesn't that mean something?
  18. Yes to a bounty, in principle. I think Fedde has looked into this a bit and could provide maybe more details regarding the obstacles.
  19. I can do some testing. My computer skills are not so great as to be able to build a wallet without a dummy's guide, but Im willling to learn and put in the time.
  20. So you should go to your wallets and type "listaddressgroupings" and compare the balance for each address with Freicoin.info. They won't be exactly the same but they should be pretty darn close. The main difference is simply the reference block vs the block containing the transaction--this is on the todo list. The balance for the automatically generated change wallets will be exact :p.
  21. Bicknellski, That is exactly what I was talking about yes. Why it happens I'm not exactly sure. The old wallet was still adding blocks and diverging on another chain. So I suppose the wallet was simply unable to reconcile previous transaction. But my question to you is: since, 32 bit applications are supposed to be able to run on 64 bit Windows is you computer an AMD machine? Mine is. I thought that may be the problem.
  23. Yes that's basically how you would calculate it. You have to check if that output has been spent, IF yes, calculate it differently. Its also done in a SELECT statement embedded in Python, which is a little advanced for my level, but I don't mind learning it. Then, finally, we would have to make two separate SELECT statements one to display differently the 'amounts' the other to calculate the balance using the current method (but if two values cancel each other out maybe not). This may require changes to ABE's display. etc. The circulating currency is an API. There was a small bug after t
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