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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/14 in all areas

  1. I have put up some general statistics of the website for those who are interested in that. http://freicoinalliance.com/awstats/awstats.pl
    1 point
  2. Hi All, here is an suggestion how to advance and organize the communication: Feel free to add: Freicoin Alliance - Taking care of communication in the Alliance Forum (suggestion Fab, Fed, Arc) - Taking care of communication in Bitcointalk (Arc + ???) - Taking care of communication in Facebook (???) - Taking care of communication in Twitter (suggestion Fed) - Taking care of Alliance Blog (suggestion Fed) - Taking care of Alliance Email (Fed, Fab, Arc, Bic, Molly) - Taking care of Alliance Newsletter (suggestion ???) - Taking care of Reddit (suggestion ???) External: - Taking care of Commu
    1 point
  3. - Taking care of Alliance Blog (suggestion Fed) This can be done by admins, we have a button here that is named "Promote to article". If you promote it, it will arrive on the front page. Twitter, this domain, facebook and the other points you set me up on is ok with me.
    1 point
  4. Prometheus

    VAT or no VAT?

    Indeed. I like the French word for gold, 'Or' I believe although it's an Indo-European language, is related to the Hebrew word for light אור or "Owr" (compare to Eng. Hour, and Ger. Uhr) and the Sumerian city Urim or Ur (in Babylonian Ur simply means City as far as I can see), where they are credited for having standardised and systemised the same units for time and space we still use today, based on the geometric base-60 system, the square and compass, and what they saw as a direct proportional relationship between the human body and the cosmos (no less), as if to chant the ancient mantra «As
    1 point
  5. Hi all, I am just looking to sort out the projects a little bit, so that it is more visible which project is in suggestion mode, already running or finished, not that we end up like in the Freicoin Forum with tons of suggestions and few finished projects. Is this project still in suggestion mode, or already running? And can you specify and short Title for the project? And describe in the beginning Post which some few sentences what it is all about? Thank you for that you do for Freicoin, Arcurus
    1 point
  6. Hi All, here a nice video about: Tragedy of the Commons and How to solve! Very recommended for all that want to live in an community with shared Bathroom Enjoy, Arcurus
    1 point
  7. Great idea and points Registered and liked the project on the Climate CoLab page ^^ Especially the stuff with reputation and transparency is great *thumbsup*
    1 point
  8. fedde

    Website Updates

    - Some larger changes have been done today. Please be patient
    1 point
  9. Arcurus

    VAT or no VAT?

    Lol lottery winning Maybe they can tax miners like that To tax VAT sounds strange. To tax it like foreign currency sounds good.
    1 point
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