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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/21/17 in Posts

  1. This is quick guide to get started with own p2pool node that you can merge mine Solidar coin with. I mostly use debian, should work on Ubuntu also. Be aware that you might need to run a version 8 of debian. Make sure you have Git installed ( sudo apt-get install git) git clone https://github.com/wincev/p2pool.git p2pool This will put the p2pool code for Freicoin in p2pool directory. Install requirements for running p2pool. sudo apt-get install python-zope.interface python-twisted python-twisted-web Now, grab your coin daemon from freico.in and solidar.it, install
    1 point
  2. As I said you before, I'm the co-developper of an "analogic" alternative financial system called FAZ. We had the nomination from a local enterprises' pool of an italian South Italy city with about 160.00 inhabitants, to make a proposal for a local economic system based on a demurraged currency, basic income and free loans to enterprises. Our deal is to make a new Worgl experiment, the italian one! We have the guarantee that enterprises' pool will accept the currency and that the city major will accept the currency in payment for local taxes. We're going to work to a system based on negative ra
    1 point
  3. Freicoin does not have basic income. It has a demurrage fee of 5% per year. This is achieved be the wallets simply destroying the funds. Simultaneously, 5% per year is newly generated and awarded to miners, 96 FRC per block. In order to come to this zero inflation system quickly, all Freicoin money supply was issued in 3 years. To experiment with alternative distribution methods, The Freicoin Foundation was created and 80% of the 'minted' currency was sent there. No alternative distribution method was ever created and the Foundation funds have been mostly untouched. We recently decided to dest
    1 point
  4. Rik8119

    Solidar bot

    The Solidar Bot can now be connected to a telegram account. Just send our telegram Solibot @solidar_bot the message: "id". Take that id and post it with the command telegram: "telegram id" to our facebook Solibot. Then you can chat with the bot in telegram like with the bot in facebook messenger..
    1 point
  5. Well, that sounds fantastic. What can we do to help you out?
    1 point
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