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Everything posted by fedde

  1. Well, not the only one, FreeRoosterCoin also
  2. Sorry for the hickup, i need to move this to a new server one of these days when i have some time to do it.
  3. We are listed on Coinmarketcap https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/freicoin/
  4. There was a mixup in topic link that pointed to the old beta site. It has been changed and beta site has been disabled.
  5. No. but doing some new tests on p2pool after the softfork as now from what i see there is no tx to foundation and the blocks are more normal. Will report back
  6. Yeah, at least now in the testing fase. I am doing a few changes during the next days on the display of trades in your "dashboard" so we will see how that work out.
  7. Lovely morning everybody. Progress is going forward. - Fixed changepass - Few more bugs in trading fixed - Design changes (footer etc) - Some security issues has been sorted out We are still in beta, keep that in mind.Do not fire off large qty of coins to the exchange. As always, it's not your bank
  8. - Minor changes applied to design - Some more security checks implented in the funds area - Deposits and Withdraw tested, 2FA enforced to make withdraw
  9. I have mailed @Mark Friedenbach about this and i got this answer
  10. Also under unsorted discussion, there is a newsfeed with cryptocoin news now
  11. FreiExchange (Alpha/Beta) We are currently in testing phase. I will update things while i go. If you want to test things, register on https://freiexchange.com Please post any issues found here or in a PM to me.
  12. Be sure to PM me with login details and i will add some virtual funds to test with.
  13. Runned a update on the forum. Heh, we have a leaderboard
  14. Also blockexplorer is getting back on track now.
  15. Well, looks like whole network is out of sync. freicoind getpeerinfo [ { "addr" : "", "services" : "00000001", "lastsend" : 1482583304, "lastrecv" : 1482583304, "bytessent" : 2733636347, "bytesrecv" : 49465672477, "conntime" : 1472898660, "version" : 70001, "subver" : "/Satoshi:0.8.3/", "inbound" : false, "startingheight" : 155851, "banscore" : 0, "syncnode" : true }, { "addr" : "", "services" : "00000001", "lasts
  16. fedde

    Escrow service

    Just popping in before xmas with a ideea. Played abit with creating a multiplatform for both work as a frcjam / escrow service as it's not that hard to work out a working scheme to actually make it work. But if i am going to do this, i will build a complete platform for Project funding, escrow and possible a very simple trade engine. FreiExchange (frcjam,escrow and trading) FRCJAM: Create zero intrest loans. Possible with funding with frc, wlc, btc and cash? If btc/wlc/cash it would be automatic converted to FRC in platform to make some coins circluate. Payout in frc/btc
  17. Pool is up to date again. Was a corrupted table in database that looped on one block and would not account further. Mining and rewards was not affected other then a delay as i had to do alot of manual work in the database. Vircurex i have no clue around. cheers!
  18. It's more of a question if we want a website with information like we had before because most of things broke after the 4.0 upgrade of ipboard.
  19. Looking into removing the pages. Apparently this new ipboard disables so pages can not be coded as i want to display prices etc etc. Maby we should create a new frontend for the alliance with normal web pages and move this forum over to /forum? What ya think?
  20. This is the payment module for using Cointopay (www.cointopay.com) crypto payment module on OpenCart 2.3 https://github.com/eddef/c2p-opencart-2.3 Upload the admin and catalog folder to your opencart installation. Enable it in your admin panel and set api key and secret. Set your default coin and you are ready to go after you have set return url at cointopay.com. Under "Payment URLs" Payment Confirmation URL : http://yourdomain.com/index.php?route=extenstion/payment/cointopay/callback& Payment Fail URL : Created by Fredrik Bodin @ www.sicanet.net (contact
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