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Posts posted by fedde

  1. This is quick guide to get started with own p2pool node that you can merge mine Solidar coin with. 

    I mostly use debian, should work on Ubuntu also. Be aware that you might need to run a version 8 of debian.

    Make sure you have Git installed ( sudo apt-get install git)

    git clone https://github.com/wincev/p2pool.git p2pool

    This will put the p2pool code for Freicoin in p2pool directory.

    Install requirements for running p2pool.

    sudo apt-get install python-zope.interface python-twisted python-twisted-web

    Now, grab your coin daemon from freico.in and solidar.it,  install them and get them running.

    Make sure you set the config files.

    nano .freicoin/freicoin.conf

    This is minimal config 


    Similar for the merge mining, create a equal file with another rpcuser and password. 

    Fire up the daemons 

    freicoind -daemon
    solidard -daemon

    Let them sync fully, you will not be able to mine before they are fully synced.

    Then go to the p2pool directory and create a start.sh (nano start.sh)

    /usr/bin/python /home/p2pool/p2pool/run_p2pool.py  --net freicoin --give-author 0 freicoinrpc yournastypassword \
    --merged http://solidarrpc:[email protected]:55888 

    Make it executable with 

    chmod 755 start.sh

    When wallets are synced, you can start the p2pool with merge mining by entering


    It should now fire up. Point your miners to stratum+tcp://your_ip_of_server:9638 with your freicoin address as username, password can be anything. Whenever a freicoin block is found, it will try and submit it on the solidar wallet also.

    solidard getinfo

    To see if you get any solidar coins also into the solidar wallet.

    (i will clean it up this thread, but this is basicly how it's done)

  2. I will repost the  header from FreiExchange due to the Bitcoin fork. 

    During this week we will release updated exchange with multiple trading pairs.

    This means that first coin to be added is Solidar (SLR) Coin that is developed and supported by @Rik8119 

    During the upgrades, exchange we will be taken offline as we have some larger database upgrades to do, new hardware is installed also to make the trading go abit faster. 

    Alot of patches to fix problems that have been reported to us by the users is also applied, but we continue to improve things as we discover things. Exchange is still BETA, so be aware that changes can happend from a time to another.

    Thanks for your support, traders!



    From 31 July to 4-6 Aug we will disable our BTC wallet due to the fork of bitcoin to keep funds safe.
    In this timeframe we will use it to upgrade the exchange for multiple markets and apply alot of patches based on the reports we have recived from users.
    For more information and updates, check Freicoin Alliance Forums or Join us in Telegram chat : https://t.me/joinchat/DhUSP0HP0L7B6KflgF8sAA

  3. Cool! Will you work side by side with your SLR coin also?  As your coin is first to add to the multiple markets when we finalize things during the upcomming week.

  4. Just to add a sidenote here.

    Foundation does not recive any more funds, so they are locked there for now.

    Only thing that makes it slowly move from foundation addresses to circluating coins (usable coins trough minings) is the demurrage, so already the foundation coins supply about 72% of the demurrage while the rest is from user addresses. Blocks are now @95.36743164 and it will stay that way forever as it's the demurrage of the 100mill coins. 


  5. I am actually finalyzing the exchange as we chit chat here, all tests are looking good so i am wrapping up and preparing to release it.

    As arc says, if you want to get that amount of coins, it's not unreal to gain that in a month or two, coins are circulating and the userbase is growing slowly.


  6. It's fixed in the new version along with multiple markets to trade on. As i said in email, some user experience that they don't get error message that the 2 factor is not enabled, some do, but i have rewritten the whole subroutine to manage the funds on withdraw. 

    And sorry for the delay on releasing btc, i am abit on and from yesterday and towards next monday, but i check in to process if needed.

  7. Problem with getting added on other exchanges are the scary part of the demurrage.  

    Bter, bleutrade etc etc had us on, but very high fees to compensate the demurrage loss in the wallets. Others that have added freicoin, tend to get scared when they see balances decrese in the wallets and probarly triggering som alerts in their systems.

    But on the other side we are much better enpowered today as we have a working block explorer with demurrage, all over a better network i would say, so why not give it a shot. I can't take care of it, but if someone else will take the task, go ahead.

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