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Everything posted by Rik8119

  1. Yes, Bter still online, but i do not know if i still trust them with coins.. Interesting point with OTC..
  2. So.. Cryptsy hacked... Bter hacked.. again.. Bleutrade and c-cex.xom dont show anything. So AksCoin the only one left? Rik
  3. Hi fedde, the link is not working.. Is there some alternative?
  4. But if you have a nodes ip it should not be a problem to add a node (f.e.): addnode= The .conf file is in your "user\YourUser\AppData\roaming\freicoin" folder under windows and in the .freicoin (hidden) folder in your userfolder under linux. to see the folder in your filemanager push str+h (show hidden folder and files). Greetings Rik
  5. any detailed information, or is it just the high difficulty?
  6. Hi there is just a blank page shown..
  7. Hi everybody, in the "old" Freicoinalliance.com we had some downloads/downloadlinks i thought the Android Wallet was there but i dont find the section anymore.. And: do we have a Iphone wallet? Rik
  8. Hi everybody, although the topic is a little older recent events brings it into focus for me. I am working on an simple Proof of Stake (SPOS) version for WLC / FRC. It also uses hot wallets for staking. In my opinion the higher risk is the price the staker has to pay (according to the price worker have to pay for miners). In contrast to the other POS coins that are using coinage, the SPOS needs no coinage. A transaction is created every new block and the vin balance is used to determine the hashes allowed. The Proof of stake hash is generated by Time Nonce vin Address and bits, in this way a
  9. Hi Fab, what a pitty so many good developers working on Bitcoinclones without demurrage ;-). However nice sideprojects. Though i do not see what is special about the coin beside the fast difficulty adjustment, or do i miss something? To the question: Yes i would be interested in participating and i would prefer voice - it is more personal and direct in a small group.
  10. Hi guys, i do not know what MAZA circles is, can someone explain please? And have you already had the meeting? Is there something to tell?
  11. It is doing it, but just after some time. It found me some connections without adding them with addnode. I think the problem is that no correct configured dnsseed is online, but i can be wrong here. It is no problem to add some static nodes at seed.freico.in but this need to be done by someone who is in control of the sites DNS. Rik
  12. If anyone have the time to fix the other error your welcome. It is not critical, so i guess it could also be done later..
  13. Argh, found the error.. Inside wallet.cpp >>> bool CWallet::CreateTransaction <<< There is the translation of the output value: const mpq qValue = RoundAbsolute(s.second, ROUND_AWAY_FROM_ZERO, 0); const mpz zValue = nValue.get_num() / qValue.get_den(); CTxOut txout(mpz_to_i64(zValue), s.first); Problem is: nValue is the hole amount which is then added to every txout. The right one should be qValue: const mpz zValue = qValue.get_num() / qValue.get_den(); Very small one, but also easy to overlook.. Commit can also be found here: https://github.com/WorldLeadCur
  14. /freicoind sendmany "" '{"1Prg4TMfQCoaZVAWBUTxWqmFdR1EJHhRww":1}' is managed without any further commands.. so it seems that the outputs are added together and the sum is used as output for every single transaction. I think its within the createTransaction but i dont see it yet..
  15. The sendmany command is ok the error seems to be deeper within maybe inside CreateTransaction..
  16. Hi Arcurus, no, as far as i know it is not possible to add them directly. But you can define a subdomain very easy to be a seednode. If you have a standard control panel at your registrars website. Or what exactly do you want to do? I found out that the amount i try to send was doubled by the sendmany command and so the amount i tried to send exeeds the available amount and the commit failed. The command: ./freicoind sendmany "" '{"1Prg4TMfQCoaZVAWBUTxWqmFdR1EJHhRww":1,"1AWjvWDBDYNTpKArKkWwcceBCmqoggqM2D":1}' error: {"code":-4,"message":"Transaction commit failed"} Produced the outpu
  17. Hi Fab, it tries the bool CMerkleTx::AcceptToMemoryPool(bool fCheckInputs, bool fLimitFree) function from main.cpp and throws the bool CWallet::CommitTransaction(CWalletTx& wtxNew, CReserveKey& reservekey) function in wallet.cpp. I guess it fails the try { return mempool.accept(state, *this, fCheckInputs, fLimitFree, pfMissingInputs); @Arcurus: Yes it is still there as far as i can tell (i compiled the client 2 weeks ago). All the best Rik
  18. Hi Everybody, i found 2 Errors in the client. The first one is the sendmany api, f.e. the command: ./freicoind sendmany "123" '{"1Prg4TMfQCoaZVAWBUTxWqmFdR1EJHhRww":1, "1AWjvWDBDYNTpKArKkWwcceBCmqoggqM2D":1}' This gives me the error: error: {"code":-4,"message":"Transaction commit failed"} Maybe i am using it wrong, but i can see no Problem in the command. The second error i found is within the GUI version. Changing: "Settings -> Options -> Display -> Unit to show amounts to:" µFRC gives me: Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library "This application has requested the Runti
  19. Interesting Paper (though i did not read it completely). But for my understanding we could burn a high amount of Freicoin to lets say 1Freicoineater... and use this address to have an "anchor of trust" that guarantees for one ledger. About the "common vision": What is aimed at is to establish a constant circulation of the money which is very hard to achive with donation matching. I try to test as much as i can though i dont know how a script for testing should look like. About the "neat features" of Bitcoin: Bitcoin will stay what it is (a very volatile asset) independent of how many fea
  20. I never talked to them, do you know anyone?
  21. Hi Marc, with a strong Bitcoin in the back maybe we can get some traction again. To be the first o start, is there anything i can do, testing etc.? How far is the sidechain project? Greetings Rik
  22. Problem here: The negative interest rate is only on money deposits. Loans still cost interest. -> No demurrage!
  23. Hi guys i am having problems downloading the wallet is there another link? Or is it just my connection? Rik
  24. HA! crazy things happened.. (thank you now its correct) Rik
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