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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/21/17 in all areas

  1. Maybe kick the can down the road a bit, if its possible? Move the Foundation coins to a time locked contract, spendable after certain day and/or require softfork? If not moved within certain amount of days/blocks -> destroy/redistribute/whatever. Theres some neat technologies being built and getting realeases in the not-so-far-distant future, so could be useful to have the foundation coins for some use cases which might come available later. From what I understand, sidechains / drivechains will bring a lot of new possibilities for distribution mechanisms and other logics
    1 point
  2. +1 for me just having demurrage is not what inspired me to support Freicoin I invested in Freicoin with the promise that i could use these to get donation matching to encourage to support further projects. i understand that you want to close down the foundation. but simply increasing the mining reward and therefore inflate the coins it not what was promised. if you want to bring the coins into circulation do that now and not in a constant drain through mining. i don't see how higher mining rewards will benefit the coin, more coins means simply less price per coin. if
    1 point
  3. Thanks for the answer, maybe its just me but i invested my time and money because i wanted to support demurrage used for common good. Usiing the funds to donate to social projects fulfilled that purpose. Supporting mining isnt what i had in mind, though it was in the code from the beginning.
    1 point
  4. I vote option 1. I will share what I am thinking: I was never very comfortable with the idea of the foundation, because to me the idea of Bitcoin is using clever mathematics to avoid politics. A foundation picking winners and losers is the definition of politics, and I wasn't comfortable with being in that position. There was some thought to use the foundation coin to come up with a provably fair way to distribute the foundation coins with a "faucet". But in my opinion this would take a level of mathematical innovation on the level of Bitcoin itself, and we are very unlikely to solve
    1 point
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