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Everything posted by Rik8119

  1. i don't know how much money is needed but if it still takes month to plan the WINC association offers an unconditional income via the facebook messenger m.me/Solidar.Winc. ;-)
  2. Hi @magius, ok now i understand the 60 mln people but what shoud i verify from which Facebook page. Sorry for the dumb question but i really don't get it ;-). @Victor Me too!
  3. Hi @magius, thank you a lot that is exactly what is needed to test the currency in principle. How is it possible to have a scale of 60,000 000 with only 100? And what should i verify from the Facebook page? Thank you!
  4. ---->About: Was ist Solidar? Solidar ist eine unabhängige, dezentralisierte, Peer-to-Peer-elektronische Währung, die entwickelt wurde, um ein Wirtschaftssystem zu schaffen, das auf Stabilität und Wohlstand aller Menschen basiert. Es ist eine Umsetzung des Buchhaltungskonzepts einer Proof-of-Work-Blockkette, die Satoshi Nakamoto bei der Erstellung von Bitcoin verwendet hat. Im Gegensatz zu Bitcoin hat Solidar eine Standgeldgebühr, die dafür sorgt, dass der Umlauf und die Inhaber der Währung diese Gebühr automatisch bezahlen. In der Neuzeit schlug Silvio Gesell das Liegegeld vor, u
  5. Hi @magius, here are the translations for the solidar.it site: home -Start; about -über Solidar; how it works -wie funktioniert Solidar?; faq -faq; joint our network! -Tritt dem Netzerk bei!; resources -Material und Links; blog -blog; discussion -Diskussion; cantact -Kontakt. ---->>> Home: lets change the world together! -gemeinsam können wir die Welt verändern! solidar is a currency to change the world as we know it -Solidar wird die Welt, wie wir sie kennen, zum besseren verändern; solidar is stable -Solidar ist wiederstandsfähig; solidar is a decentral
  6. Hi @FreedomCare, we discussed this idea a little bit within the Future of Freicoin thread. The opinion of @Mark Friedenbach was that its legally very tricky and therefore he decided against it. And it would mean that someone has to convert the freicoin blockchain to a new chain and some need to be some timeplan to make the project more attractive for investors and that was not the plan for Freicoin. Greetings Rik
  7. Thats really interesting i know people that now start to show a little bit of interest after years talking to them.. And especially those that suffer the most show little interest. Some UBI people call it the poverty trap. If your only thought is about survival you have no mind to think about basicincome. -->Make a trial with a relatively small comunity (small university camplus, or village) to find out for what people would use Solidar in the real world. As im not getting tired to mention there is some big movement in Germany called meingrundeinkommen.de. They have a lottery for
  8. At the moment there are only ~30 registered users for the bot, anybody has an idea how new users can be attracted effectively? Sending a tweet about the bot here and then is definitely not getting the job done!
  9. Hi, i had asked @Bicknellski with his students if he and his students may want to experiment with it, but he said that they are not using Facebook, so in principle this is a great idea if you/anyone knows somewhere to start i'm with it..
  10. Absolutely not, i also think that donations for free musik/videos/e-learning/open source software/activists(like wikileaks) is a HUGE use case that can and should not be underestimated. As Solidar is comming for free everybody has the possibility to "vote" for the favorite free work that she/he wants to support. For that the idea was to organize some internetpage that will list all organizations/artists that will support solidar donations.
  11. If you want to install solidar its quite simple: 1. download git repository git clone https://github.com/solidar/solidar.git 2. install the necessary dependencies sudo apt-get install build-essential libboost-all-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libdb-dev libdb++-dev libminiupnpc-dev libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev libssl-dev 4. Then cd to the solidar/src folder and compile the deamon (headless non-gui version). sudo make -f makefile.unix USE_UPNP=- 5. Then try to run the client: ./solidard & 6. The & is to start the deamon in the background, so you can always contact
  12. Here i want to summarize the best ideas to prevent the cheating of individuals by creating multiple accounts for a basic income. The last true frontier if one want to keep identities anonymous. I found Vitaliks ideas here: http://www.smh.com.au/technology/technology-news/we-need-a-better-way-to-kill-fake-facebook-accounts-20170926-gypewv.html Short: tokens giveaway at random separated chat parties held at the same time for everybody that wants to participate.. I know that grantcoin also has some mechanism but this is for another time. Hendrik
  13. Thats how we are always something to do 4 u, keeping you away from the streets.. ;-)
  14. Hi, can you put some extra link on the main page like: News; Register; Login? Thanks.
  15. Hi @magius, took me some time to look into it. I have a few comments to make: 1. about site: Solidar is a fork of Freicoin, an implementation of Bitcoin, which loses approximately 20% of its value per year. The destroyed money simply vanishes, being permanently taken out of circulation. However to keep prices stable an equal-valued batch of freshly minted coins is created and distributed to the diligent accountants (the “miners”) who maintain at their own cost the global ledger of electronic transactions. The economics of mining are such that most of this is spent on the real ca
  16. Well, it is doable. But i want to keep it as simple as possible and therefore bounties/running costs are payed through donations made to the WINC association, so every coin from demurrage goes into basicincome..
  17. Yes, i was thinking about it. Wechat user are used to the idea to pay with messenger, so even closer to the idea. I look into it. Problem is: im not speaking Chinese. And its also harder to keep track of doubled accounts but i will also implement it there. Solving the siblings attack is for later.
  18. Rik8119


    Boooring! Sooo i'm ready for the next financial crisis...
  19. Another month passed by, another Solidar income is payed.. enjoy ;-) Merchant functionality is taking a bit longer than planned but its a matter of when not if ;-) (It is planned that you can create as many merchant accounts -0.5 SDR/account- as you like with up to 3 users associated to the account with admin rights).
  20. But i cant find a possibility to change the currency. So maybe it is the only option at the moment to include in the title Solidar to find products offered for Solidar.
  21. That's fantastic news! I haven't had this one in sight at all! That's so easy, the merchant can set a price in Solidar, you can contact them in messenger, and buy the product with the messenger. Easy as breathing ;-).
  22. Hi Marc, thank you very much for the logo. However i am still undecided to implement the new logo, because it is some work to do and i like it a bit more colorful with more details. Maybe some others can give us input, which version is fitting best for the Solidar coin? Thanks a lot.
  23. Thanks for your thoughts on ICOs. I share this opinion to 100%.
  24. Well it will be mostly testing, thanks.
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