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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/17 in all areas

  1. > So what is your vision for the coin moving forward Developers? My priority regarding Freicoin is starting to do rebases much faster and continuously, getting all the new improvements, bugfixes and features. As for new consensus changes features, apart from those included in more modern versions of bitcoin (cltv[bip65], csv[bip68/bip112], segwit[bip141]), it would be nice to get features from https://elementsproject.org/ which now also rebases periodically. Specially I would like to have confidential transactions https://elementsproject.org/elements/confidential-transactions/ and conf
    4 points
  2. Adilado


    3 points
  3. Rik8119


    Hi again, since my commet is off topic for the other threads it fits most in here. Thanks to @fedde 's exchange, the fresh ideas from @Skaro , @Adilado and @jtimon i am now again looking at freicoin with confidence. I am really exited to see the "freiexchange 2.0" in action and think that we will find a way to adopt Freicoin to the new situation to make up a worldwide freiconomy without debt and dangerous bubbles, because that was what we are here for since 2013. I am now fully in FRC again and given up the positions in all other coins feeling good with it. I hope our ( @Bicknellski , @A
    3 points
  4. > with the BTC from the ico, you pay the developers to work full-time on FRC and do promotion Which developers are interested in doing that? I'm not interested in beig paid by an ICO and I'm pretty sure maaku doesn't want that either. > Certainly, you know the issues surrounding coming regulation better than most. No, actually, I don't. But I never wanted to be paid from money collected through an "ICO" precisely because I don't know and I don't want to find out the hard way.
    2 points
  5. i dont think that neither @jtimon or marc will even look into proof of stake. If you want proof of stake (combined with proof of work) i guess you have to do it like segwitt2X. secure the economic majority, then implement proof of stake like for example done in dash as layer two. then make a softfork and add it. @jtimon by the way if you want to know how a distributed foundation can be implemented in a soft fork, just look how dash does it. yes the technology is out there since years and functioning very well!
    1 point
  6. doesn't sound that great to me. its basically Bitcoin with demurrage for eternity to miners what @jtimon suggested. i strongly oppose not to look into proof of stake security to the soft fork, that could be easy to implement, just add one address where some part of the block reward goes if less than 100K coins are on that and give control of the address to someone who does the job of distributing them. later we can decentralize it. simply destroy the coins seems up to now the best solution for the foundation. simply out of curiosity, where did the community fail in distribu
    1 point
  7. Adilado

    The end of the foundation

    Sounds good, I have faith in the devs. I think we indeed should keep working and developing.
    1 point
  8. Skaro

    The end of the foundation

    Looking through the comments, people have voted for more than one option. Considering that, it appears that option 1 has the most support at 6 votes, and option 2 at 4 votes.
    1 point
  9. Definitely dont let the coin die, that would not be fair for anyone. We now have a nice exchange and some volume. Lets work from here. And burn the foundation coins to start with. Then we have been discussing a new website and Fedde says he could help out with that. That is a good start.
    1 point
  10. I vote for 1. Bury them and move on. That might be painful but in reality there is ZERO movement on the coin currently. Demurrage is meant to make the coin move and it is the ONLY thing that makes this coin unique to other offerings in the cryptoverse. What we have had for nearly 2 years is a dead coin limping along with four or five people funding little projects here and there with little or no Developer support. Any plans that attempt to recirculate these coins of the foundation now are really not going to be a 'fair' distribution which is the exact warning that was given to the foundati
    1 point
  11. Re: ICO: no, as said icos are part of the motivation for destroying the foundation. You make an ico of frc for btc and then what you do with the btc? > a softfork that makes sure that some part of the block reward is used for Freicoin related projects. If we had the technology to do that we wouldn't need to destroy the foundation's coins. But we don't. > that demurrage should be drawn from there only and not from speculators/normal wallets. So basically remove the demurrage feature that inspired freicoin in the first place and makes it unique. I strongly oppose this. &g
    1 point
  12. Of the proposed options i say 1 or 4. The coins should be destroyed, and that it takes time to reach 100 mil is good. To be honest i think 100 mil is too much either way and its not a good number. 28 or close to is much better and closer to Bitcoin. But it has to work for the miners too.
    1 point
  13. @Rik8119well actually that was as far as I got. I wasn't sure what kind of effort @jtimon was wanting to make. So I'm not sure how complex the idea could/should be. But it seemed that a new wallet with POS/POW split could distribute the Foundation funds. The demurrage is still a good idea and may be more attractive now with countries legalizing crypto-currencies.With a wallet at 0.14, Freicoin becomes modern and it could literally be a relaunch with The Foundation funds for redistribution. We could even have an ico (or I guess it would be a co)... ;-)
    1 point
  14. @Skaro interested! What exactly do you have in mind?
    1 point
  15. i thought about it. i would go along with option two if we combine it with a softfork, that allows to redistribute some part of the block reward other than mining. In away it would be enough if the main Freicoin clients (currently this are mainly feddes nodes (exchange / mining pool)) runs this softfork, so we could change it easily without the need to change all nodes if we want to update the redistribution mechanism. the softfork could be that easy like this: the main Freicoin nodes enforce that a certain part of the block reward is send to a specific address if less the
    1 point
  16. Until these points are met i will keep working on my Solidar project, which has a sustainable easy to use redistribution mechanism. BTW does anyone know someone that is good at SEO? Solidar definitively needs more visibility in Google search results! Like "blockchain basic income" is ruled by grantcoin.
    1 point
  17. If this could be done it only just shifts our problems into the future: Freicoin has no sustainable redistribution mechanism, concentrating power on the miners. The other big problem is attention. Only projects that hare some fancy new tech are recognized and make new aths every few weeks. All is concentrated on them and people cant look through all those commercials (there are now facebook adds for Ethereum ICOs), to see that 90% of these are made of hot air.. But as many dont recognize those who see it have to follow the masses to make profits. Im totally annoyed by this system but
    1 point
  18. Maybe kick the can down the road a bit, if its possible? Move the Foundation coins to a time locked contract, spendable after certain day and/or require softfork? If not moved within certain amount of days/blocks -> destroy/redistribute/whatever. Theres some neat technologies being built and getting realeases in the not-so-far-distant future, so could be useful to have the foundation coins for some use cases which might come available later. From what I understand, sidechains / drivechains will bring a lot of new possibilities for distribution mechanisms and other logics
    1 point
  19. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. This is also what i was thinking.
    1 point
  20. +1 for me just having demurrage is not what inspired me to support Freicoin I invested in Freicoin with the promise that i could use these to get donation matching to encourage to support further projects. i understand that you want to close down the foundation. but simply increasing the mining reward and therefore inflate the coins it not what was promised. if you want to bring the coins into circulation do that now and not in a constant drain through mining. i don't see how higher mining rewards will benefit the coin, more coins means simply less price per coin. if
    1 point
  21. Realisticly and logically, Freicoin presently has no real value. It has only a few active users that only trade it for speculative purposes (arguably that's the case with most alt coins). If any 'investor' would try to cash in their Freicoins, the exchange rate would crash. Also, the Foundation was supposed to put the funds in circulation in three years. Whatever social project received it was supposed to spend it. (On that note, if the only place to spend Freicoin is in the exchange markets, the social projects are no different from the miners. Until its swappable for labour or goods,
    1 point
  22. Well if we want to compare it to Bitcoin - which does not make sense IMHO - i ask myself what the community would say if the core devs would decide to increase the coin supply by 5? I can not imaginge atm that a social purpose can be decentralized. BItcoin f.e. is not decentralized either. 1m is owned by Satoshi and there are a handful pool and a few groups of devs ruling the bord. Woergl f.e. was the most successful freigeld currency and they used it to pay for social infrastructure. And IMHO it is the only reasonable purpose to redistribute money to the poor. I dont really see
    1 point
  23. I vote option 1. I will share what I am thinking: I was never very comfortable with the idea of the foundation, because to me the idea of Bitcoin is using clever mathematics to avoid politics. A foundation picking winners and losers is the definition of politics, and I wasn't comfortable with being in that position. There was some thought to use the foundation coin to come up with a provably fair way to distribute the foundation coins with a "faucet". But in my opinion this would take a level of mathematical innovation on the level of Bitcoin itself, and we are very unlikely to solve
    1 point
  24. So @Fabrizio, @Bicknellski, @Mollycat, @whisper1970, and anyone else. If you could, please vote.
    1 point
  25. I'll vote for option 2, but I'm more interested in a decision being made efficiently and implemented. UPDATE: so ill support any except option 3. It has bad optics and many wallets have been abandoned.
    1 point
  26. Is there a way to boost mining rewards? maybe double every 5th block or something to add a bit more of a randomness to mining and a bonus for those that have been mining and still are mining and keeping the blocks turning over? I think some sort of benefit to mining and/or taking away the transaction fee or if these funds could subsidise the fees for the remainder of the foundations coins. As it stands, Freicoin doesnt hold any value these days so the quicker the foundation is laid to rest and could be announced on forums the better. It would help in starting the promotion of the coin again if
    1 point
  27. Option 3 some months after the matching is done. UPDATE: I see no use in having just more coins for mining. Just more coins does not mean more security, because increased supply will most likely reduce the price so that security wise it stays the same. I propose to bring the remaining foundation coins after matching is done in circulation as block reward and combine it with a softfork that makes sure that some part of the block reward is used for Freicoin related projects. The softfork is enough if enforced by the main Freicoin economic nodes, so that it is easy t
    1 point
  28. > So basically remove the demurrage feature that inspired freicoin in the first place and makes it unique. I strongly oppose this. Yes, I believe that the current system will keep us from growing, it is not a coincidence that we are among the smallest coins out there. And the reason I believe that the 100 mil coins is a bad idea is that i dont want to see Freicoin priced at 1 satoshi, comeon lets make this coin grow with some new thinking, there must be a way that we all can agree.
    0 points
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